
How to see and know the technical characteristics of my mobile phone - RAM, processor, GPU

The technical specifications of a smartphone can vary considerably depending on the make, model, service provider and country. When we buy a mobile, we look at things like the quality of the camera, RAM or internal storage capacity. Based on these elements, we determine whether the smartphone in question is suitable for us or whether we need to look for other options. However, often we don't know how to look for them in our terminal. Don't worry, we'll show you today how to view your phone's features easily and quickly. 

How can I see the technical characteristics of my Android phone?

There are different ways to view or know the properties of our Android terminal depending on the model and version of the operating system. 

See the characteristics of your Android mobile via the settings

This option is only available on some Android phones. From the android version 6.0 Marshmallows , user can access device specifications by default. However, in previous versions of the operating system, only some manufacturers such as Samsung or Huawei allow it. If your mobile responds to these indications, you will be able to see its properties without having to install any applications.

 You just have to go to the settings of the mobile and choose the option on the phone . Then a screen will appear in which we can observe all the detailed characteristics of the equipment. We have access to the processor model, the amount of RAM , internal memory used and available, Android version and resolution. In addition, we will be able to observe the model and build number, IMEI code and the name of the device. 

Discover the characteristics of your Android mobile via applications

There are different apps that we can use, but one of the most downloaded is Device Info HW. This app can be easily downloaded for free from Google Play . In addition, root access is not required to be able to use it on the device. Its main advantage is that it gives us complete information about the properties of our mobile .  

Device Info HW has a very simple interface with several options at the top. By swiping the screen left or right, you can navigate through the different tabs. Here are some of the most important sections of the app:

  • One of them offers us the general informations device such as model, RAM, screen resolution and available sensors.
  • In the SOC section you have access to the model, device manufacturer, graphics card type and cores. 
  • The system section describes the motherboard model and operating system version. 
  • The memory tab allows us to know the amount of RAM and de memory of storage used and available.
  • The camera section gives us information on resolution, image formats, as well as photography and focus modes.
  • The network section informs us of everything related to our WIFI and data connection. This allows us to see the IP address, bandwidth and signal. 

How do I see the technical specifications of my iOS device?

In the case of iOS operating system, there is an app called Lirium Device Info Lite . This can be downloaded directly from the Appstore and offers us complete information on the specifications of our mobile. Like Device Info HW, this app has different sections that describe each property in detail. Here are some of the most important categories:

  • The general version segment shows the name and model of the iPhone as well as the total and available storage. We can even know how long the mobile has been on. 
  • The display section displays information about the screen of the apparatus. It indicates resolution, pixel density and color depth.
  • The dimensions section gives us information on the width, length and height of the device, as well as its weight.
  • In the system section we will find the model of RAM memory as well as the total and available quantity. 
  • The CPU section is one of the most important because it provides information about the processor model. On the other hand, it allows us to know the number of cores, their architecture, as well as the maximum and current speed. 

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