
How to add libraries using a .jar or gradle file in Android Studio

Android Studio is the software for sustainable official for Android , it is the preferred tool of developers since its launch, we let's learn so today to add libraries using a file .Jar or Gradle .

One of the advantages of Android Studio is that it is a program compatible with Windows operating systems, MacO Linux.

Android Libraries can contain an infinity of data relevant to the application under development. It also allows the dissemination of certain information, which is why it is important to know how to handle it.

What should you do to add libraries in Android Studio?

The main thing you need to know is that you need to have a libs folder , to be able to add .jar files, for that you will have to create it if you don't have it currently, it's quite simple.

You must create this folder between the " Build " and " Src ». Once you have it, you can start the process, which will take around 5 minutes or less.

The .Jar file will not have only to be copied into this folder that you created , directly and of course after the update you will be able to see the folder in the left panel, just inside the libs folder.

Now you will need to use Gradle to help the library run smoothly, you will achieve this by adding the dependencies to Build.gradle Module: App. You can copy the following code:

Dependencies {

compile fileTree (include: ['* .jar'], dir: 'libs')

testCompile 'junit: junit: 4.12'

compile ''

compile files ('libs / (Filename) .jar')


Now you just need to sync the file so that the data can be saved, you will see a yellow button at the top with the message " Sync Project with Gradle Files " or simply " Sync now «.

You will now have succeeded in adding libraries with a .jar file in the easiest way available, as well as you can add all libraries that you wish shape your project.

Why use .jar files?

This type of format has taken its position because it allows share code sets which generate specific actions within the application under development.

In this way, if, for example, a developer imagined a new way to perform an action, he can share it with the rest of the community and it will simply be added via the method we explained previously.

Some recommendations

Although the method is quite simple, we recommend that you be be careful with the files you download. Sometimes these can be incomplete or be malware.

If you have a file with these characteristics, you will not be able to perform the adding process properly and it will give you errors which you may not be able to determine the cause of, and it is simply the file that fails.

It is also good to you remind that you need to test how your development works. This way you can determine if it looks like what you expect or if you need to add details to perfect it.

It is good that you share your creations with the developer community, it encourages teamwork and the creation of better results. Remember that working from different angles can be much more productive.

Try to complete your knowledge in Android Studio. Like this, you will be able to develop better tools and applications , positioning you in this world of development for Android.

Using Android Studio is a great advantage for content creators. This software, endorsed directly by top device makers, is ideal for building great looking apps without having to run the risk of damaging equipment.

Adding libraries will always be necessary, whether to attach created content or to use some that have been shared and that benefit the interface of the application that is being developed.

Likewise, this procedure is so simple that it does not take only a few minutes. It is important that it is managed intelligently to streamline the work.

As a developer, if you are going to work with Android Studio, we recommend that you also use the programs Broadcast Receiver et  SharedPreferences . This will make your app development experience easier. You can also count on programs like SQLite to help you create and use a database.


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