
How to increase 100 GB of additional OneDrive storage for free

There are many advantages to being connected to the Internet. The most important probably being the fact that we have access to all the multimedia content we could possibly want. All you need is an internet connection to be able to see all the series, videos, comics and more that we have loved so much.

Whether through hacking that is not always reliable or through paid platforms with hundreds of advantages like Netflix , it's always good to be connected to the Internet to enjoy our favorite content.

However, the great detail of this is that in order to enjoy this content, you have to download it. This can be a little problem for people who maybe have a poor internet connection or who just, and more generally; they don't have enough space.

When you have a hard drive with obviously limited space, it can be a bit of a pain to think about how to use the space. Added to this is the fact that we have to think about the speed of our appliances when we have so much physical content. This is where the clouds come from .

When we have the option of using a cloud; you have the option to download all the content you have already downloaded to a site where it will never be lost and where you can also download it whenever you want. This can end up being a huge advantage because of all that you can do with a cloud.

And, best of all, there are many different services you can take advantage of depending on what you want in a cloud.

There are services like dropbox , Google Drive and others. But one of the most used and notorious is Microsoft's OneDrive. However, it is a service that has been overlooked a bit by many users. That is why Microsoft , over the years, has developed many ways to attract new users and potentially customers.

It is for this very reason that he ended up doing promotions where he allows his users to use up to 100 GB completely free. See how to get them here.

The OneDrive promotion

For a long time, OneDrive has been relegated to the cloud a bit in order to have access to services that are a bit more comprehensive and easy to use. Indeed, Live's platform has not always been the most stable and the fastest.

But it is for the same reason that they released promotions like Bing Rewards , providing storage space for users who might need it in order to get more subscribers.

At first it was a promotion only for USA , but not more. All you have to do to get that extra 100GB of storage is enter this link and follow the instructions at écran , connect to your Outlook account (or create one) and finally agree to get your 100 GB for free.

Get 30 GB more

Believe it or not, it's also possible to get an extra 30GB on top of the 100 we just showed you how to get. In fact, once you enter OneDrive for the first time, you will have 15 GB by default in the application, which gives you the advantage of not having to constantly free up space to store more files .

And, on top of that, you can get an extra 15 GB immediately if you activate the option to download all the photos you take from a mobile devices . It is something quite easy to obtain.

In addition, you should keep in mind that the plans that Microsoft offers to upload your content to its cloud are quite inexpensive, if you need free space in any way.

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