
How to create or create my own banner in Photoshop for Youtube and Facebook

Creating a banner in Photoshop for YouTube and Facebook requires digital image or photo editing tools. Photoshop is an editing program created by brothers Thomas Knoll and John Knoll. The program serves as a means to facilitate the modification, creation and retouching of photographs, graphics, vectors and raster.

Adobe Photoshop has been on the market since 1990, being one of the most known au monde , thus enabling the globalization of the new digital age. The world of professional photography has never been happier, especially when the tool is updated to the cutting edge of technology.

How do I create or create my own banner in Photoshop for YouTube and Facebook?

Creating a banner in Photoshop for YouTube and Facebook has never been easier than it is today, and even more so with the technological boom that increases more and more. If you are one of those people with large-scale inspiration, maybe it will be very easy to create a banner on YouTube, the steps are very simple and without major complications.

First, you need to create a document that has 2560 x 1440 pixels, setting the background color to # 33333, then you need to place the background adjusted to the size of the document , you must select the option 'Rasterize Layer', you must not forget "Reduce the saturation" of the image with "Shift-Command-U".

Then go to the 'Layers panel' and select a 'Radial Gradient', then set it to 80% opacity. In addition, create the boxes to put "stock" images , draw a rectangle, import the first stock image and place - the on the triangle, 'rasterize and Desaturate the image with the command described below - above.  

It's time to create a 'Clipping Mask', select 'right click' and the box will appear, then with 'Command-J' place six copies of the portrait , create the desired title and that's it.

Benefits of formal and informal Photoshop use                

One of the most positive benefits of using this tool is creating a banner in Photoshop for YouTube and Facebook. However, the digital tool in question has hundreds of functions for different results.

Creating an edit of any kind, whether it's creating a banner for YouTube or Facebook, vectorizing images, making graphics, montages, and more, seems like a task for professionals and experts alike. in the field of photography. However, this is not the case, as many users have learned to use it and are not professionals.

This is the great advantage of the technological avant-garde, since it facilitates large-scale learning in any field, professional or not. The truth is, you have access to a huge amount of information that can be exploited in different ways. It all depends on how you want to use the information.

Many users claim use Photoshop without having to download it , they no longer have the appropriate computer equipment with the minimum requirements required by the application. The solution is to use "Photoshop Online", although it has some limitations, but it is worth it.

How to download Adobe Photoshop on Windows?

You won't be able to create a banner in Photoshop for YouTube and Facebook, nor install text styles , without taking into account certain aspects, which are very important for the optimal functioning of the program. It is necessary that you take into account the type of computer you have , once you have identified it, take into account its technical specifications. 

If your computer is Windows, you must keep in mind that in order to use the program, its version must be Windows 7 or higher , have a 2 or 4 core processor; with at least 2 'GHz', a 'RAM' memory of 4 or 8 'GB', a hard drive with 4 'GB' of available storage and a graphics card of 2 or 4 GB.

Once you've factored in the specs, you can use many functions such as that: repair damaged pictures or photographs, use the measuring tool, among other special functions.

Without further ado, you must get to the Photoshop official page , select "start free trial" download the installer and install, then a payment window will appear, the email must be entered, the subscription options are varied, choose the one that suits your pocket.

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