
How to create or create an animated GIF with the Motion Stills app on Android or iPhone

Currently the creating animated GIFs is very attractive for all social media users, what you might not know is that they already existed 30 years ago, developed by Steve Wilhite. Being the 80s and 90s in which it was a trend for its fun animations, to be forgotten later.

However, due to the growth of humor pages and blogs, which allows us to create our own gif along with photos and videos, of these apps there are many amazing and more attractive improvements for their users. It's a mean very easy to start conversations with friends or with whom you have a romantic interest.

Besides being able to use it to promote your business, it is well known that images get a lot of attention.  App Motion Still is an app owned by Google , and there are also a large number of apps on Google .

This App you allow grabar videos of 3 segundos y crear images o videos animados además de creación de montajes. This App will be available from Junio ​​del 2016 para iOS y recientemente para todos los usuarios de Android.

¿Qué functions ofrece App Motion Stills?

This application will allow you Stabilize your images and can eliminate los márgenes borrosos y de esa manera mejorar su resolución. Por lo que all videos podrán ser reproducidos sin la distortion o movimiento como si los realizaras con un trípode.

Esto es debido a que procesador de video fue improved con lo cual cada fotograma procesara de forma individual. Todo este proceso se realiza en tiempo real por lo cual podrás compartir tus creaciones immediatamente con todos tus amigos.  

This application has a technology that achieves image acceleration capability to introduce it into a short video, with which you will have the opportunity to increase speed time from 2x, 4x to 8x .

This is achieved by the functions used by Google photos for the image stabilization and movement of desired objects and gif or image animations can be created in this same application . However, that does not mean that you can use it as a camera, as you have to keep recording in the same usual way. You will be able to share these results with any app, such as YouTube and other social networks, which was limited to the original.

¿Cómo logro create an animated GIF in Android or iPhone with the Motion Stills App?

Luego descargar e install the Motion Stills App in you iPhone or Android podrás darle uso that resulta muy sencillo. Comenzaremos primeramente con estos consejos para realizar a video in ella y luego como hacerlo con las fotos.

  • Lo primero that haremos will shelter Motion Stills that will get stuck in the initial pantalla de nuestro móvil, luego de ya haber realizado a video ya sea por la cámara delantera or trasera del teléfono. Cabe destacar, que este GIF también es posible realizarlo con un video que ya hemos descargado con anterioridad.
  • Posteriormente de grabar o descargar el video debemos buscarlo in el menú de nuestro Smartphone shelter the Gallery.
  • Choose el video that deseas convert, encontraras dos options: habilitar or deshabilitar la stabilization de imagen y eliminar sonido, para finalizar, elige el tamaño que desseas, selecciona la opción Compartir podrás enviarlo por social redes o guardarlo.

Ahora well, si queremos realizar a Collage of animaciones con tus solo fotos tienes que seguir estos simple sugerencias y lo conseguiras.

  • We must first abrir nuestra App, go to the option of GIF, in el cual se our abrirá nuestra galería.
  • Luego, tenemos that seleccionar las images o fotos con las que trabajaremos deslizando el dedo from Derecha o Izquierda.
  • Si deslizamos el dedo a la Derecha, es para confirmar las images or fotos con las que se trabajaran.
  • If we drag it to the left, we will remove the images or photos with which we would work in GIF.
  • Then it only remains to press the play option to view the images or photos and export them in GIF format.

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