
How to Upload Video to Blogger Webpage - Quick and Easy

Nowadays, the downloading videos from the internet has become quite common. Every day, the number of people who use networks such as YouTube, Twitch, Tik Tok, Blogger , among other things, increases. And what once looked like an invasion of privacy or someone else's life is now even being used to make money.

Some videos are used simply for entertainment. Others, to show some recipes from cooking, makeup tutorials, unboxing of electronic devices or from another store. In addition to others related to music, information or travel.

Therefore, being a widely used resource, it has aroused the curiosity of many people who would like to use it as well. However, if you are a beginner in the subject and want to easily create a page in Blogger in order to create content and download videos, here you will learn how to do it. 

What is Blogger and how is it used?

Blogger is a service which, although it was created by Pyra Labs, in 2003 became the possession of Google. This is mainly used to create and record daily videos or blogs about the user's life .

It is very easy to create a blog in Blogger totally free and best of all is that it allows you to add images to videos and configure blog access, you can set them to be public or you can hide and private your blog in Blogger . These are used to share certain types of information with others.

Being a personal decision, you have the freedom to choose the type of content you want to post. As well as the amount of information you want to publicize.

And you can publish written or video information. So how do you merge the two to make it more interactive. You can write about what you like or dislike, how to solve certain problems in any area, about your daily life, what you think, what you believe, etc.

Another advantage of Blogger is that it is a free service and in which you can at some point monetize your work. And being a service provided by Google, you don't need a lot to start writing.

It's as easy as opening an account and to start . Just like you would with Gmail. This service also includes design themes or templates and basic elements like comments, contact forms, social buttons, statistics, among others.

If you don't have a blog yet and want to use Blogger to start this experience you can register and start very easily.

How do I upload a video to Blogger?


In this article you will learn how to upload video to Blogger and other related functions. You just need to follow these two simple steps.

Step 1

You must first go to Blogger and click on the down arrow located in the upper left corner. Then you need to select the video you want to update, or in this case add a video to it.

Step 2

After that create new post or edit post to add video. And in the r leds entry, select the option "Insert a video" .

To create an entry, simply click on "Create an entry" and of course you create the entry. You can also use the “Preview” option if you want to see what the entry will look like. And if you want to save it without publishing it, press “Save”. If you want to publish it, press the "Publish" button. Finally, choose the video you want to add.

There are some things to keep in mind when posting a video. For example, avoiding someone else's content without their consent. It involves copyright, which can lead to legal issues.

It is also prohibited to post content that violates Blogger's policy, such as explicit images or videos posted without the consent of the other person and content that incites hatred, violence or is offensive.

If you follow these simple steps, you will already have a video on your blog . And over time, the more you use Blogger, the more you can hone in on what you love and even make money from blogging. You just have to give it time and dedication.

And if you want to know what other things you can do with Blogger, by reading this article you will learn how to quickly create an entry in a Blogger blog.

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