
Kodi, one of the most complete media players for your PC

When we speak media players widely used that we are currently using, there are many software proposals that we can download and use on our devices. This is the case, for example, which we will talk about in these lines, we refer to the popular Kodi.

We tell you this because when we talk about multimedia environments, the aforementioned Kodi software is one of the most popular such programs in the world. Of course, it seems certain to many that this particular software, because over the past few years it has become one of the main goals of the industry du entertainment . This is because many users install it to take advantage of pirating copyrighted content.

Why is Kodi installed on the computer?

Some of you might not have heard of this program, so you might be interested to know that it is from the old software called XBMC . Well at this point the first thing we need to know is that Kodi is a completely legal program in itself. We can say that its main objective is none other than to reproduce all kinds of multimedia content. This includes things like videos of all kinds, music, photographs, TV channels, etc. But of course, thanks to this wide range of possibilities, they make the software used over and over again for the consumption of protected content .

We do all of this from a somewhat peculiar user interface that gives us a lot of options so that we can reproduce all of the content supported here. But at the same time, we have to keep in mind that Kodi not only focuses on playing videos, photos or music, but also allows us to manage them. All this from the program itself, because it allows us to create, customize and manage playlists and Libraries with all these files commented out.

This is why for many users, this program is a complete multimedia center from which they manage their music, videos or photos. In addition, and how could it be otherwise, the program allows us to work with files at the both locally and via Internet .

Get the most out of the program from its interface

It is also important to know that in order to use this specific program in a practical way and get the most out of it, we need to know how to move around in it. interface . And it's not that it's complicated, far from it, but it's a bit special. Of course, once we get used to using it, it will be very comfortable and functional.

To all this, we must add that the program has a good number of customizable features in this regard. Thus, the top managers of the software take special care in everything related to its appearance. It has improved and renewed over the years and updates. In addition, mainly due to the huge number of features available in the Programs , navigation can be a bit confusing.

But don't worry, it's common at first, you get used to it right away. From the start, Kodi opens full screen, although we can use it in windowed mode. To do this, just click on the button that we see under Escape , in the upper left corner. At the same time, we can move through its many menus with the mouse or the keyboard supported on the options that interest us. In the same way, we can also return to this menu by clicking on Esc.

As soon as you enter the program, on the left side we see the most important functions of the program. Thus, we can directly access the section Music courses , TV, videos , radio, games or add-ons.

Kodi add-ons

At the same time, we must keep in mind that one of the most interesting sections of this program is what are called add-ins or add-ons . These are small programs that are built into Kodi itself in order to increase its functionality. They can be found of all kinds, to improve or change their appearance, to add services and access platforms, to increase their built-in functions , etc.

The developers of the entry program themselves make many of them available to us once we have downloaded and installed the software itself. These are disabled by default, but we can enable them if we want to increase their capabilities. But that's not all in this sense, since the project behind Kodi, at the same time, allows external software developers to create their own add-ons. So these can be downloaded from the internet and installed here to work and integrate into Kodi.

Hence precisely the controversy in which the program is constantly involved, as we mentioned previously. Indeed, some of these external developers have created illegal add-ons that call and allow reproduction of all kinds of content protected by copyright. But of course, it is the users themselves who decide to download and install them on Kodi. Hence precisely that the program we are talking about here is completely legal.

Take advantage of Kodi's huge compatibility

Another important feature that we can highlight about this program is its wide compatibility with all file types, platforms, and operating systems. In fact, from this we can say that it is a very followed and loved program by many because they can use it on practically any computer. This way we can not only use this program on a Pc of desk Windows , but it goes much further.

This is an open source application that was developed by its creators so that it can work properly on Windows, MacOS ou Linux . In fact, we have a distribution, LibreELEC, which turns the PC into a media center with Kodi.

At the same time, it presents the possibility of being able to work on mobile devices based on Android ou iOS , and even on a Raspberry Pi or our video game console.

Sync Kodi content

As you can imagine, this is something that opens up a wide range of possibilities, since we can handle all of our media content from anywhere. Of course, unlike what happens with one of its competitors, plex , Kodi does not allow direct syncing of content, but of course we can.

For this, we can use external solutions, as with many other Kodi functions, throughout the aforementioned add-ons. An example is the case of emby that we can use from here , a competitor of the two apps but which we can at the same time use to sync our library between Kodi devices.

How to install the program, for free

We have already told you that despite all that this software is able to offer us, it is a free proposition and open source . Therefore, you can download it for free from its official website i.e. from this link .

Of course, first of all, we need to be clear about the device and operating system where we're going to need it, as the coverage that Kodi presents to us in this regard is huge.

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