
Don't forget your appointments, meetings or tasks with Alarm Stickies

If we have a habit of writing notes to remember pending tasks or data that we cannot forget, we may know that it is possible to use them on our computer. If, in addition, we want these notes to be able to warn us by means of an alarm, by receiving a notification on the desktop, the application Alarm stickies can be of great help to us.

Your notes with reminders thanks to Alarm Stickies

Alarm Stickies is a fully free , without ads or donation request pop-ups, which allows us to set alarm reminders on our Windows computer. That way, when the time comes, the note automatically jumps to the center of the screen to alert us.

With this simple notes app we will have:

  • Instant support to save a note that we will not be able to see, since it is saved in a database.
  • The possibility of being automatically notified, with the date and time configured, of what we recorded at the time.
  • A convenient quarterly calendar.
  • Ability to continuously record recurring events such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc., so that we can receive alerts a few days in advance.
  • A space with phone book functions with search functions.

With Alarm Stickies it is possible to receive notifications with sound (although they cannot be personalized), schedule multiple notes, use a quarterly calendar or manage notes, showing us all reminders in one only place so they can be edited or deleted.

Create and set reminders with this program

The first thing to do is to download Alarm Stickies for free from your Website , being compatible with Windows 7/8/10. Once we have downloaded and run the program, it will remain in the background in the bottom left bar. If we click on the icon with the right button, a list with the options available will appear . To create a note we can do it from this menu or just by pressing the shortcut Ctrl + P. In this way a window will appear on the screen in the form of a note where we can start writing.

In the upper left part of the note we will see in the corner a different color which can be green or purple. If it's green, that means we can write on it and from there we can move it around the screen. The note will remain always visible on screen at any time, being above other applications. If you want to delete, you'll have to drag it off the screen at the bottom. To save it, simply move it to the right of the screen.

Set an alarm and adjust its sound

If we want to set an alarm, we have to press the F8 button and we can set the date and time of the reminder. In the Alarm Stick options we can see a list with the alarmed notes in the option "List of stickies with alert" . We can also configure its sound in the option "Sound settings" . Here we can choose a single or continuous sound, being possible to choose between four different types of sounds. This way, when the scheduled day arrives, the note will appear and play the sound we have chosen.

Recurring notifications

In the Alarm Stickies menu, we have the possibility of establishing recurring notifications via the option "Recurrences" . Here we can add notifications like birthday, anniversary or any other event that happens on a recurring basis. It's as easy as adding text, selecting the date, choosing if we want to be notified and clicking add and remove when we don't need it anymore. At the bottom we can configure it to notify us days in advance that we set.


Another option we have in the Alarm Stickies menu is to have a quarterly calendar. Here we can see the notifications for each day, as well as the recurring notifications. It is also possible to create a new alarm date by clicking on the desired day. Just activate the option "Quarterly calendar" in the options menu.

Alternatives to Alarm Stickies

As an alternative to Alarm Stick for creating alarm notes, we offer these options:


It is a free application with which we can take notes on our computer and set alarms and scheduled notes. Its use is simple and we can download it from the developer website .


It’s a small notepad where we can personalize each of our notes, changing the size, font or colors. In addition, it allows us to create alarms in order to remember important events. These alarms can be set to sound at a certain time or to repeat, playing a sound. PrestoNotes is an application that we can free download .


It is a very useful virtual reminder tool with which we will not forget any event we write, being completely customizable. To help us not to forget the notes, we have the possibility to program them to sound at the time we choose. It also has a control panel with notes divided into groups. PNotes is free and we can download from their website.

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