
What is the most sold in the Mercado Libre? - Featured products of the Mercado Libre

Once you have learned to publish for free in Mercado Libre for the first time , it's time to find out what's best selling in Mercado Libre - the featured products of Mercado Libre , we'll talk about that a bit more.

Featured products and trends Mercado Libre

You can use this space to browse top selling products to find feasible businesses. If so, you should also know Mercado Libre levels , essential for sellers.

In any case, whether you are planning to invest or just going to this space out of curiosity, the first thing to do is to analyze trends by nation . For this, we will focus on Colombia, Mexico and Argentina.

Trends, the most sought after in the Mercado Libre Colombia

In Colombia, we observe very varied trends when analyzing the five most wanted products . Let's take a closer look at the most common searches from Mercado Libre Colombia.

  • Motor: it This is fairly general research, but generally refers to maintenance and manual labor.
  • cbf 150 honda: this research specifically refers to a relatively famous motorcycle model in Colombia.
  • Breeding farm: at the Mercado Libre it is also possible to sell properties and land. As we can see, farms and farmland are a trend in Colombia.
  • PS4: the world of video games could not be absent, the PlayStation 4 being the most famous video game console in this country.
  • Vasenilla baby: curiously, these containers intended for babies / young children to relieve are a trend in Colombia.

Trends, the most sought after in Mercado Libre Argentina

The trends in Argentina are completely different from those found in Colombia. Let's take a look at what is selling the most in this South American country:

  • Decal car: he There seems to be a tendency to decorate vehicles in Argentina, since decals or car stickers are primarily researched in the Mercado Libre.
  • Pedicure kit: Beautification kits are also all the rage in Argentina.
  • Padel babolat paddle: strangely, badminton / tennis rackets / rackets are among the most common searches in Argentina.
  • Stanley starter stop: knowing the Argentinian tradition concerning mate, this research is not very surprising.
  • mini-notebook: we finally see technology reflected in research, mini notebooks being the common protagonists.

Trends, the most sought after in the Mercado Libre México

As with previous nations, the trends in what Mexicans are looking for is something very interesting and varied.

  • Dumbbells 10 kg: dumbbells or weights occupy the first place in research in Mexico.
  • Suit football: the t-shirts, also known as Jersey in some countries, are one of the most sought-after products in Mexico. In this case, it refers specifically to sports shirts.
  • Melanin: a little strange research, although it does not refer to the pigmentation of the skin. In this case, there are construction sheets / plates (MDF).
  • Nissan Urvan: in some countries Mercado Libre also sells vehicles, in this case in Mexico the most popular vehicle is the Nissan Urvan van.
  • Garden chairs: in fifth place of searches in Mexico, we find garden chairs.

Now that you know what is selling the most in the different countries, it is important to know how to withdraw money in Mercado Libre or any other information that is useful to you.

So what's the best-selling thing in the Mercado Libre?

As you may have noticed from an analysis of the previous three nations, trends vary from nation to nation . Anyway, we can draw a conclusion from all that has been shown previously.

In the first place, it will be necessary to know the environment in which we operate, the nation being more specific, although it There are also variations depending on your state or city . Either way, analyzing trends for a specific nation can help you find the best-selling products in the Mercado Libre.

Although some do not represent the main research, the laptops, motorcycles and cell phones are rank very well among the best-selling products on the Mercado Libre platform. On the other hand, let's keep in mind that trends are constantly changing.

Anyway, don't just stick with Mercado Libre, know the other pages like Mercado Libre where you can also sell.

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