Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity Breeding and Genetics Guide

In this guide, I'll show you the basics, until you get to the most advanced breeding. With a few tips and tricks along the way. Before you get started, here's what you need to know:

Number of newborns or breeds

Each Axis can be read a maximum of 7 times. Most breeders stop around 3 to 5 broods because it gets quite expensive, it fluctuates with the price of SLP. When an Axie has 0 breed or breeding, this is what we call a virgin axy.

Once your axies have hatched, it will take them 5 days to develop their offspring from egg to adult.

Costs to start breeding

To start with the breeding of Axies you must have at least 2 Axies to pair them and some cryptocurrencies which I detail below.

Sweet Love Posion (SLP)

This is one of the parts needed to mate your axles and the amount of SLP required increases with each breeding. For example, 2 virgin bone axies with (0/7) races would cost you to get the first offspring 150 SLP for each parent in total 300 SLP.

As you can see in the table below, mating 2 axies with 6 or 7 races is expensive, this is only done by people when their 2 axies are 100% pure with specific cards and they know they can sell their offspring for more than cost.

Elevate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 300 450 600 900 1350 2100 3300
1 450 600 750 1050 1500 2250 3450
2 600 750 900 1200 1650 2400 3600
3 900 1050 1200 1500 1950 2700 3900
4 1350 1500 1650 1950 2400 3150 4350
5 2100 2250 2400 2700 3150 3900 5100
6 3300 3450 3600 3900 4350 5100 6300

If you want to know the exact cost of raising your axes. You can help yourself with this tool or with the following calculator.

Infinite Axis (AXS)

For each pairing you make, you'll need 4 AXS Coins, which you can earn by finishing in the top 60 spots in each season in Arena Mode or buying them in exchange.

So, to compile what was said before, you will need:

  • 2 Axes.
  • The amount of SLP per race each Axie has.
  • 4 pieces Axie Infinity (AXS).


This is the most important aspect that you need to be clear about as a breeder. Since then, each Axie has a different genetics transmitted by its parents.

In the photo you will see below, you can see the dominant traits, abbreviated as D, and then there is the hidden genetics known as recessive 1 (R1) and recessive 2 (R2).

What percentage of children inherit genes from their parents?

Father 50%

  • The dominant (D) has a 37,5% chance of being passed on to her children.
  • Recessive 1 (R1) has a 9,375% chance of spreading to its children.
  • Recessive 2 (R2) has a 3,125% chance of being passed to children.

Mother 50%

  • The dominant (D) has a 37,5% chance of being passed on to her children.
  • Recessive 1 (R1) has a 9,375% chance of spreading to its children.
  • Recessive 2 (R2) has a 3,125% chance of being passed to children.

From the previous photo we can see that if we want an Axie with the Serious gene with these two parents we have 84,37% probability that he inherits it because we add the 2 dominant genes 37,5 + 37,5 + an R1 gene from the 9,375 father gives us a total of 84,37% and if we want Carrot to shoot in this case we would have 93,75%.

That is to say that to have 100% our axes must have the same gene in the same part of the body 6 times 3 from the father and 3 from the mother.

To see the genetics and make your life as an axie breeder easier, I recommend that you install this extension of Navigator.

Changes: Very little is known about mutations in Axie Infinity, but it's getting harder and harder to predict what you can get from the algorithm change Mavis made in June 2021. Some speculation says mutations can occur in each of R1. and the R2 genes with a probability of almost 10%.

How is the class calculated?

There are no recessive genes to determine the class of an Axie, below you can see the types of classes and how to get them:

Main classes

There are 6 classes which are the main ones for determining the offspring each baby has a 50% chance of inheriting each of the classes from its parents at birth. Thus, a Bird / Reptile pair would have a 50% chance of producing a Bird and a 50% chance of producing a Reptile. If both parents have the same class, the baby is 100% insured for this class.

Secret courses

There are 3 secret classes in the game, to raise one of them your axes must be as pure as possible (+ 90%) and even so you have a low percentage of probability that a secret class will appear, for find the right combination below I'll leave you with an example of what you need to mix to get these courses and what benefit each one has.

  • If we mix a fish pure + a reptile = Dusk and these are mainly used as tanks.
  • If we mix a bird + a plant = Dawn and they are good starters due to their speed and good damage.
  • If we mix a beast + a bug, that can come out = Mech and they're good for critics while also being faster than most beasts.

Generational breeding

The Axies cannot be brought up with parents, siblings or half siblings. But if they can be brought up with uncles, grandparents and cousins.

Body parts and their influence on your stats

Base stats are determined by the Axie class. Each class has a total sum of 140 base stat points + then each part is added to give each Axie an extra

Statistics base.

Class HP Speed Capacity Moral
Aquatic 39 39 35 27
Stupid 31 35 31 43
Bird 27 43 35 35
Thumbtack 35 31 35 39
Plant 43 31 31 35
Reptile 39 35 31 35
Dawn 35 35 39 31
Twilight 43 39 27 31
Mecha 31 39 43 27

Additional statistics

Then each part of the body besides giving a different appearance to each axy also adds a type of statistics. For example:

  • An Axie with 6/6 parts of plants will have 18 additional points to his base HP defined by his class.
  • An Axie with 6/6 parts of a bird will have 18 additional points to its speed.
  • An Axie with 6/6 beast parts will have 18 additional points to his morale, which affects the crit rate and the last fight.

Class HP Speed Moral
Aquatic +1 +3
Stupid +1 +3
Bird +3 +1
Thumbtack +1 +3
Plant +3 +1
Reptile +3 +1

If you mix a bird with a beast, for example, it has a 50/50 chance of being either and in most cases the stats will be greatly affected and there will be no synergy of map.

You can also mix a plant with a reptile for example, since they belong to the same type of class. You will still retain most of the integrity of the tank's stats and be able to perform well in PvP.

Which axes should I raise?

This is a question fraught with a great deal of ambiguity. It is generally divided between the rising axes for PVP and the axes for high purity.

Raising the PVP axes requires a deep understanding of the game which can take months to develop. A learning process that you will go through with any other game with a high learning curve, understanding what each part does. Not to mention that balance changes often occur (at the end of each season).

So a very doable bet is to focus on high purity axes that also have strong body parts.

Advantages of Elevating High Purity Axles

  • Higher purity greatly increases the chances of successful breeds. Even failures will be good, useful and valuable.
  • High purity axes gain attack and defense bonuses in combat.
  • Pure 6/6 axes will be key pieces in the upcoming ground game.
  • It is much easier to reproduce the specialized parts when your partner is pure. (90% -100%)
  • Maximum statistics for your class type
  • The resale value, even after multiple races, will always be higher than non-6/6, non-pure axies.

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