Crypto Blades

How to reforge weapons in CryptoBlades (step by step guide)

CryptoBlades is a new blockchain RPG game where players recruit a team of characters, equip them with epic weapons, and battle enemies.

Players can forge new weapons from the blacksmith or purchase them from the market.

These weapons can then be upgraded and increased in power through a method called reforging.

Overhaul is a great way to increase the attack power of your weaker weapons so that you have a better chance of winning in battle.

Here's a complete guide to how reforging works in CryptoBlades and why you'd probably want to do it.

What is Reforging in CryptoBlades?

After reforging, the target weapon will receive an additional attribute of "Bonus Power", while the weapon to be burned will be destroyed and disappear from your inventory.

Bonus potency is used along with a weapon's stats to determine the player's overall potency during combat.

The reforging process also consumes SKILL tokens, making it one of the many SKILL sinks in the game.

Note that reforging a weapon in CryptoBlades does NOT increase its level or rarity, nor does it change attributes or stats.


What is the "Power Bonus" in CryptoBlades?

The amount of bonus power received by a reforged weapon is based on the number of times it has been reforged and the number of stars the burnt weapons had.

The higher the rarity of the scorched weapons (i.e. more stars), the higher the bonus power it grants to the reforged weapon. (See the next section for more details.)


What are LB, 4B and 5B in CryptoBlades?

In addition to the bonus potency, reforged weapons will also have new stats called “Burn Values” which indicate how many times they have been reforged.

These are designated by the weapon points LB, 4B and 5B and they are based on the rarity of burnt weapons.

4B stands for 4-Star Burn and indicates how many 4-Star Burn weapons were used to reforge the weapon.

5B stands for 5-Star Burn and indicates how many 5-Star Burn weapons were used to reforge the weapon.

Here is a table on how burnt weapons affect the potency of the reforged weapon and their maximum allowable values:

Burn the scarcity of weapons Combustion value Max value Bonus power Maximum bonus power
1 star 1 pound 100 books 15 potency bonuses per pound 1500
2 stars 2 books
3 stars 3 books
4 stars 1 4B 25 4B 30 potency bonus per 4B 750
5 stars 1 5B 10 5B 60 potency bonus per 5B 600

This means that reforging a weapon with 1, 2, or 3 star weapons will give it 1, 2, or 3 LB points, respectively.

A weapon can only have a total of 100 LB, which means you can reforge a weapon with 70 1 Star weapons and 15 2 Star weapons (i.e. 70 LB + 30 LB).

In addition to the 100 LBS, a weapon can also have a maximum of 25 4B and 10 5B.

This means that the maximum Reforge Points a fully upgraded weapon can get is:

  • 100/100 pounds
  • 25/25 4B
  • 10/10 5B

This adds up to a huge bonus of 2850!


How to reforge weapons in CryptoBlades

Here are the steps to reforge a weapon in CryptoBlades:

  1. Go to the Blacksmith tab
  2. Select the weapon you want to reforge
  3. Click on the "Reforge" button
  4. Select the weapon to burn that you want to destroy
  5. Click Confirm Redesign
  6. Confirm the MetaMask transaction
  7. Your weapon is now reforged!

Once your weapon is successfully reforged, you should be able to see its LB / 4B / 5B points and additional bonus potency attribute.


Can I use a reforged weapon as a burn weapon?

You can use a reforged weapon as a burn weapon when reforging another weapon.

When you do, half of the burnt weapon's LB, 4B, and 5B points will be transferred to the new weapon.

Odd combustion values ​​are rounded to zero.

For example, a weapon with 50 LB will transfer 25 LB when used as a burn weapon, while a weapon with 55 LB will transfer 27 LB.


Tips for revamping weapons

Revamping weapons is a great way to increase your team's power and increase your chances of winning in battle.

A common recommendation is to research a base weapon with decent stats, upgrade it with as many 1-3 star weapons until it hits the max value of 100 LB, and then maximize 4B points. .

A max weapon with a total bonus potency of 2850 should be your end goal, but it can be a bit difficult to achieve, especially for new players.

Good luck!

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