Plant 2 Earn

Plant 2 Earn a new NFT game with which to win from € 7 to € 30 per day

The Play to Earn games are ongoing and we have projects almost daily. Today I want to share PLANT 2 EARN, a new strategy game where we will make money playing on the Binance Smart Chain platform. UPDATE ON AUGUST 22: The profitability of the game has dropped considerably. ENTERING IS NOT RECOMMENDED !!!

NOTE:  Nothing I am commenting on here is an investment recommendation, I am just sharing information about the project and my personal experience.

I'm not going to get involved in explaining technical stuff and the background of the game to you as it's totally irrelevant. What if I told you what I earn, the minimum necessary investment and my experience in what I have within the project.


Remember, these are games where you will take control of your digital assets and where you will play to win using blockchain technology. You should also keep in mind that this is a high risk investment and things cannot always go well. The way I use to minimize risk is to get into the project as soon as possible, as soon as I leave. If he is ultimately a ponzi and that the economy does not hold up, at least Come in quickly to recover what he invested and get everything possible.

What can we do in Plant2Earn?

Plant2Earn uses a Play-to-Earn paradigm to generate P2E through play, while adding value to users' NFTs. If you've heard of Criptoblade or Criptozoon, Plant2Earn is pretty much a carbon copy of its gameplay, with a few exceptions.

Currently, the player can start winning using the following methods:

  • Use the NFT Plant Warriors to protect EDEN Garden from Youkai invasions and earn $ P2E.
  • Gather items to increase the power of the Plant Warriors and thus increase the defense salary.
  • Collect high-ranking Plant Warriors, plant various seeds, and sell them at the Market for $ P2E.
  • Use a DEX to exchange $ P2E for a currency that can be traded on the CEX. (This part that I haven't experienced yet)

How do we get started at Plant2Earn?

In order to start invest and play on Plant2Earn, us will have to buy $ P2E. You will first need to have the MetaMask wallet installed and have a Binance account to buy the BNB or BUSD token on Pancakeswap.

MetaMask can be downloaded on Chrome and Firefox, or on iOS and Android if you are a mobile user. I recommend doing this sort of thing from a computer.

  1. Download MetaMask and follow the installation instructions (record the start sentences very well).
  2. Create a Binance account to be able to buy the BNB token.
  3. Add the Smart Chain network to MetaMask
  4. On Binance, you can buy BNB or BUSD directly with euros or dollars with different payment methods. Once purchased, you will need to remove them from your MetaMask wallet with the Smart Chain network enabled.
  5. Go to pancake swap and exchange the BNB or the BUSD for P2E. Remember to put the risk tolerance around 6% to be able to execute the trade.

Now we'll just have to go on the Official website, connect our wallet and go to the button in the upper left corner and buy a seed. The price of the seed is 20.06868 P2E which at the time of writing the entry is at $ 19,78 $ 7 each token. Therefore, to enter Plant2Earn, we will need to make a minimum investment of around $ 420. ($ 155 until August 22)

Don't be too fair as the network commissions have to be paid in BNB for each action in the game and we will also have to water the seed for it to germinate at a cost of 0,8668 P2E more.

When the seed germinates it will give us an NFT Plant Warrior, which is needed to fight in EDEN in Plant2Earn and which will gain experience and therefore level up as we fight with it. All NFTs start at level 1 but can come out of different ranks: FDCBAS, depending on your luck. According to the plant rank, the investment of $ 155 can be recouped over 6 days of play or more if you play all battles per day and get around 50% wins, which does not arrive not since I am earning around 20% so the investment will take longer to recover and that taking into account that the price of $ P2E does not drop any more.

After each fight in the EDEN Garden, the higher the star level, the better the reward. There is currently no way to change the Rank of a Plant Warrior. If you have been hit by a rank F war plant, it cannot be upgraded.


Each war plant has its own mana. The mana bar has a maximum of 12 points. Each fight with the plant consumes 3 mana and we will recover 1 mana point every hour. Needless to say, it is important not to let the mana bar accumulate to the maximum since we will lose daily attacks and therefore the possibility of earn money.

In short, every 24 hours, each plant can attack 8 times with 3 hours of waiting and the reward depends on the enemy being fought. With great bad luck we can get 0 € or 5 € and with a lot of luck more than 56 €.

What's new at PLANT 2 EARN

Soon will come the market that can increase currency, agriculture, and items with which to upgrade warriors. I leave the rest of the actions to come in the following screenshot.

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