plant vs undead

All the details of the Plant vs Undead farm 2.0 system

I think if you are reading this it is because you know plant vs undead (PVU), a multiplayer tower defense game, where your plants are also your real asset to get a peak of money. If by any chance you don't know the game, I recommend you visit the previous link to update yourself. This entry deals with farm 2.0 which should be operational on August 20, 2021, which was developed to solve many of the 1.0 Farm issues, as well as to improve existing gameplay and make the game's economy viable in the long run.

What's new in Plant vs Undeady farm 2.0?

New mechanics:

3 new tools have been added:

  1. Sunflower plants:


 Cost: 100LE |  Duration : 3 days |  Use: 1 |  Description: "A temporary plant that gives 250LE / 72h, is not affected by weather phenomena and cannot drop seeds."

2. Sunflower mom:

 Cost: 200LE |  Duration : 6 days |  Use: 1 |  Description: "A temporary mother tree that gives 850LE / 144h, is unaffected by climatic events and cannot produce seeds."

3. Solar box:

 Cost: 100LE |  Use: 1 |  Description: "A magic box that harnesses the energy of the sun." Open it to find some useful items inside and maybe a great surprise if you're lucky. "   Possible rewards:   30% to knock down 100x water and 20x scarecrows   30% to drop 2x small pots   30% to knock down 1x sunflower seedling   9,9% to drop 1x sunflower Mom   0,1% to drop 1x seed

Mechanics updated to August 25, 2021

  • Daily reward changed from 50LE -> 50LE + 1 sun box
  • We will no longer get sunflower sprouts by watering our neighbor's plants
  • There is now a limit of 200 water per plant, which means that a plant cannot be watered more than 200 times.
  • crows
    • 10% to knock down 2x sunflower sprouts

Exchange of Sunflower Seedlings: 100 Sunflower Seedlings can now be exchanged for 1 Seed (a fee of 4 PVU per Seed Claim, for example when owners have to pay to claim seeds from their farms)

The price of the jars increases

  • Small pot: 30LE -> 50LE
  • Large pot: 60LE -> 100LE
  • Exchange and market rate: 2% -> 5%

Farming and gardening are just one of 3 modes the PVU will have this year. The beta for PvE and PvP modes will begin soon, so stay tuned!

How to play PVU

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