How to Connect My iMac to My Macbook Pro - Quick and Easy

When we acquire a new computer , there are usually some frustrating processes that we have to perform in a mandatory way, like the moving files between two computers .

Although it may not seem like much, a lot of people are taking advantage of this moment to put everything they have in order in order. apparatus , in order to have control of all their documents, files, photos and videos.

However, it is a slow process, which we can do without too much haste but in a correct way, provided we follow the correct steps and process.

One of the ways that you can do this process efficiently and quickly is to connect the two computers, so as not to delay the process too much. In this article, we will give you the exact keys with which you can establish a Successful connection with your devices and thus transfer your documents quickly and easily.

Learn step by step here

  1. To get started, you need to connect the two computers using an interface cable, specifically a IEEE 1394 , which should be connected end-to-end with both computers, using the correct location and making sure both ends are firmly seated.
  2. Once step 1 is complete, call one of the computers as " Server “, Which should ideally be this PC that contains all your files. This has happened, you can realize it by entering the option " Preferences System" then by locating you on the button » Share «.
  3. Here you can select the options you want to share, as this menu will show you different options, among which you can connect both computers. At this point, you can go through the list and decide how you want the two computers to connect.
  4. Try to write down the network name, which is the local address, as the second computer will need this information to connect.
  5. Once the two computers are connected, you need to click on the background image, which is inside your second computer, in order to activate the search option.
  6. Once done, you need to click inside the " Go ", In which you must select the option" Connect with the server ». You can see that a window appears in which you will be asked for the server address. When you entered it, you can see that your iMac and Macbook will already be connected.

Reasons to choose a MAC device

  • Reason 1, the possibilities are immense with an operating system like this

In general, all of this company's products are aimed at adults, who usually base their decisions on sustainability and the catalog of options a company typically offers them.

Each Apple products is designed and created for the sole purpose of helping one of its users in any of their tasks, which must be performed without error.

  • Reason 2, it has an ergonomic interface, ideal for any type of work

The interface of all Macs is designed to adapt to the needs of its users, because in terms of RAM memory , these tools are among the best in quality and service, especially the Pro versions, which reach up to 128 GB. RAM .

  • Reason 3, none of your computers have viruses

Unlike what usually happens with Windows devices, Mac devices don't need to use any type of antivirus because they usually don't suffer from these types of computer threats .

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