
Google integrates Gmail attachments into Drive

Google is taking a new step in the integration of its services. It is now the turn of the union between your messaging and your cloud storage service . In a week's time, all Gmail users should have the option of integrating attachments in Google Drive in one step.

Those at Mountain View decided that the most comfortable for the user is to try to make all the services compatible so that they can easily be integrated with each other. That's what they just did with Gmail and Google Drive. now when we receive an email with an attachment, it can be saved directly to Google Drive , without having to do an intermediate step.

And also in a very simple way. When we receive an email, we'll see new attachment previews at the bottom of the email. If we click on any of them, they will appear in full screen, which will even allow us to search for text in documents, without resorting to other programs.

Saved in Google Drive

If we want to save a file to the cloud, we will only have to click on the Google Drive button that appears when hovering over the preview of the file . From there it will give us the option to save it to the folder we want in Google Drive.

And the benefits are obvious. It is now much easier to store files in Google Drive which are then available on any device, be it a phone, tablet or computer.

For its part, what Google can look for with this integration is that people get used to storing things in their cloud, and soon they need more storage space, which would cause them to pay.

Finally, let's say that the integration is done gradually , so that throughout the week it should reach all Google Drive users.

Source: Gmail official blog.

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