
Free Chess Games for Windows 10

Although there is a large catalog of multiplayer games which we can enjoy from our computer, many prefer to have some of the more classic games on their computer for fun in their spare time. Famous Solitaire and Minesweeper are games that everyone has played at some point, but there are many who love play the famous game of chess . A game that is also considered a sport and one of the most sought after to be able to play from our computer without having to challenge someone or the board on the table.

If you are a Windows 10 user and like play chess , we will show you below a few - some of the best games totally free chess for Windows 10 so you can enjoy any of your favorite games or sports from your computer.

Enjoy these free chess games

3D Chess for Windows

It is a chess game that will allow us to play, learn and have fun playing chess against different AI opponents. To move the pieces we can use the mouse or our own voice, this allows to change the viewing angle of the table and is available from the Windows Store at this link completely free of charge.

Free chess

It is the closest thing to the classic chess game. A typical board is shown through which we cannot move with all of our miniatures the same way we do physically by simply selecting the tile we want to move by clicking on it with the mouse. Also, once we have selected it, Free Chess does not help to know the possibilities of movement that we have. As the computer checks you, a beep will sound when a message is displayed on the interface. You can download Free Chess from this link .

Chess 24

In this case, it is a web page where we can play chess with multiple players online and in multiple languages. Besides being able to play chess online, from Chess 24 you can also follow the most important chess events happening live all over the world. It includes the possibility of improving our level of play because it has different trainers and modes of practice. You can access the site from here .

Lucas chess

Another app for chess lovers that has a lot of different levels, it even has a special mode for the little one in the house to play, all thanks to the 40 engines, it must be played from one level more basic or learn to be an expert. You can take advantage of Lucas Chess from this same link.

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