
What is the difference between Java and JavaScript?

Although the names are very similar, Java and JavaScript are differences. The only resemblance is that, their names.

Obviously, the similarity of the names is intentional. Java, created by Sun Microsystems computer scientist James A. Gosling, was very popular when Netscape (a company known at the time for its Web browser ) named its programming language JavaScript at the end of 1995.

The point is, JavaScript, designed by Brendan Eich of Netscape, was originally called LiveScript. Soon after, a marketing deal between Netscape and Sun changed its name to JavaScript in order to cooperate with the brand.

What are the differences between Java and JavaScript?

Quick comparison of the similarities and differences between Java and JavaScript:


  • Java and JavaScript are used very frequently in client-side applications.
  • They both use C syntax.
  • JavaScript copies some nomenclatures from Java.


  • Java is a static object-oriented programming language that works on multiple platforms. JavaScript is a dynamic programming language (or scripting language) used to bring web pages and applications to life.
  • Java is class based and JavaScript is dynamic.
  • Java is an independent language. JavaScript is more dependent, which means it works with HTML and CSS on some web pages to create dynamic content.
  • As of today, JavaScript is a must have for web developers, while Java is more widely regarded as a previous generation programming language, but still widely used for many. applications powerful.

Which programming language should I choose to learn?

It's like comparing apples and oranges. It will all depend on your goals. However, according to GitHub, as of 2018, more repositories have been created in JavaScript than any other programming language. Additionally, it reports that JavaScript and Python are becoming more and more popular from year to year.

JavaScript can be a great starting point for beginners interested in learning to code, especially those who want to focus more on developing web pages, both front-end and full-stack. But come on, as mentioned it depends on a lot of things. Java is still very popular, and there are countless reasons why you could learn Java, for example if you are planning to build productivity apps or mobile apps.

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