
Check if your Windows is updating correctly

Since Friday of last week, computer security has gained great prominence in the media after a massive attack by Chinese hackers compromised the internal network of a large company like Telefónica and infected it with malware. . The spread of this attack was made possible by not having installed the latest Windows updates, which is of vital (and increasingly important) importance today because, while the SMB vulnerability being exploited had been resolved, the number of casualties would have been reduced from hundreds to 1.

There is no such thing as a perfect program or operating system. The expressions " with linux this would not have happened »Are completely false, because all systems are exposed to possible security vulnerabilities of varying severity and, therefore, from time to time updates are released to resolve these problems.

Every month, Microsoft regularly publishes a series of patch de security , or updates, for Windows and the rest of its programs with which it fixes bugs and fixes vulnerabilities to prevent a programming flaw from putting users at risk. For security reasons, it is always advisable to enable these updates to ensure that our operating system is fully up to date. However, sometimes they may have been disabled for some reason or simply not downloaded normally.

Therefore, below we are going to show you how to control these updates and make sure they are working normally.

Check if Windows 7 updates are enabled

If we are Windows 7 users, to check if the updates are activated, just open the Control Panel of our Windows and click on the »section Windows Update »(If it does not appear, you must select the option" Show all elements "so that all the entries in this control panel appear.

Once this option is open, we will see a window like the following one.

In this window we will be able to see if there are new updates for our Windows or if they are all already installed. In addition, we can also see the date when the latest updates were installed in our Windows 7 and, in addition, we can see the update history, from where we will see a list with all and if these were actually downloaded and installed normally.

If we want to check if the automatic updates of our Windows 7 are activated, just click on " Modify the parameters »In the left menu and, there, we will check their status.

If everything is on and our system is up to date, we should have no problem using our computer and we would be protected from the dangerous computer attacks that are being carried out recently.

If our Windows 7 is not up to date, we need to do the update process manually as soon as possible (we can download the latest patches from the Microsoft Update catalog, for example) and make sure the automatic updates are actually activated.

Check if Windows 10 updates are enabled

If we are Windows 10 users, the question of activating or deactivating automatic updates of the operating system is simpler since, by default, Microsoft complicated (for better or for worse) this task in order to that the majority of users always have the latest patches installed. In addition, users of the "Home" version will not even be able to easily deactivate these updates.

To check its status and the last installation, just search for Cortana for "Updates" and select " Windows Update Settings ».

We will automatically see a window like the following one, where we will see if our Windows is up to date and when new updates were last checked for.

From there we can also access the update history where we can see all the fixes that were installed, which ones failed and when they did it (in order to be sure our Windows is correctly updated). We can also access the advanced update setup from where we can make sure that everything is set up correctly and that no important fixes are suspended or postponed, putting our computer at risk.

In case of deactivation of bets à windows 10 day with one of the many applications that appeared long ago, we are probably in danger, so we should try to undo the changes with the same application as soon as possible and, if we cannot, as a last resort format our computer and avoid using those applications which may do more harm than good to our security and privacy.

Is your Windows properly updated and configured to receive all these updates automatically and without issue?

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