
Windows 10 connects to all of these pages as soon as you install it because of bloatware

One of the solutions that many users around the world use when we want recover a computer to its full capacity or when we want to eliminate a serious problem that has occurred there, is to perform a clean installation of Windows 10 .

However, as happens in many other areas, platforms and systems similar, because of variety - saying bloatware , these installations in theory "from scratch", in reality are not as "clean" as we would like at the beginning. Hay que tener en cuenta que la última version del sistema operativo de los de Redmond , ha sido acusado en varias ocasiones desde su lanzamiento oficial hace cosa de 3 años, de no respect la Privacy their million users , algo a lo que se suma this theme.

Concretely, this is an operating system that has been the subject of many reviews in because of measures taken internally, from his point of view to help users, but from their point of view, measures that threaten the privacy of their users. Confidential data and uses. Microsoft says that the reporting to the company itself is made to improve the experience du système , although users strongly disagree with these statements.

On the other hand, and as has just been announced, when we perform one of the clean installations of Windows 10 aforementioned , the software has connected to various services and flat - online forms without the permission of its customers. This is why a list of sites and services that Windows PC connects à after' one of those clean system installations comes from be made public .

Apps and services that Windows 10 connects to

Specifically, it is a list that refers to microsoft services that provide data "endpoints" to the respective applications of the same company for Windows 10. This is done after the Windows 10 installation en version 1709 or later and the computer is left idle with the default settings during one week.

Therefore, among the apps as such that we can see that they are installed in Windows 10 from a clean install, we can find the Weather Live app Tile or OneNote Live Tile, in addition to social platforms Twitter et Facebook . On the other hand, the suggestions of the Microsoft Store are activated, in addition to the advice of the system assistant, Cortana. Keep in mind that Cortana is ready to report Windows 10 diagnostic information and data in the same way , which not everyone likes.

It is also worth mentioning the download and automatic update certificates in clean installations of Windows 10, all for the proper functioning of certain apps and websites . But that's not all, because to all this must be added the authentication method of the device, the metadata , the general data of diagnostic , sources, licenses, maps, geolocation, etc.

All this is done without the interaction of the user , so what we call a clean install of Windows 10 could be a expression somewhat questionable.

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