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What to consider before installing and using a VPN

Having VPN tools is something more and more common among users. We have a wide range of possibilities, with different applications for all types of operating systems and devices. Now, when using this kind of service, there are some important aspects to take into account. For this reason, in this article we wanted to make a compilation of everything we need to know before install and use a VPN .

VPN services, privacy and security keys

These types of tools can help improve both privacy and security when accessing surfing the Internet . There are many attacks we can experience if we connect to an unsecured wireless network, for example. Using these solutions can prevent unwanted attacks.

What a VPN does is encrypt connection . All data travels in a sort of tunnel and this makes it impossible for a possible intruder to access it. A way to protect our connections and avoid issues that affect our privacy.

Hence, we can say that VPN services today are very important to maintain privacy and security. Considering that remote working has increased dramatically, along with access to cloud services, it has become even more vital.

What to keep in mind before using a VPN

When we go install a VPN , whatever device it is, we have to take into account different factors to make it work as well as possible. The goal here is that our connection goes smoothly, that problems do not arise and that they ultimately do not affect our daily life.

Some factors are related to safety, but also to performance and proper functioning. There are different points to consider.

Make sure you're using an up-to-date VPN

One of the fundamental steps is without a doubt to make sure that the VPN we are installing, this program in short, is up to date. jour . It is very important to avoid problems not only with performance, but also with security.

Likewise, once we have it installed, we need to check that there is no new version available. Sometimes it will update automatically, but other times we will have to do it manually.

Check that we don't have another one that is already working

Yes, it's something basic but many users make the mistake of installing and using a VPN at the same time that they already have one. other installed . This can generate configuration issues, failures while browsing the network.

It is interesting to note that when we go to install a VPN, we erase all the traces that we have previously. In this way, we can improve the performance and improve the connection.

Analyze the type of encryption and security measures

Not all VPN services are the same, as we know. There are some that can be safer than others. One of the keys is to analyze the encryption used , as well as any security measures that we can configure.

Protecting our connections is vital and for that we also need to make sure that the tool we are going to use has everything we need.

See if you have multiple servers

Have a VPN that has many servers available is very interesting. This will allow us to choose the one that best suits our location and choose the one that can give us the best speed and stability.

If we use a service that has only one server available or that is in one country, we have less flexibility. The more the better. So this is another key when we are going to choose.

Improve internet connection as much as possible

Without a doubt, before installing and using a VPN, we should try to improve as much as possible the Internet connection . This means that if we are connecting via the wireless network, try to use amplifiers or connect as close to the access point as possible. All with the aim that the tool works well.

It also means updating network card drivers, updating the system, and ultimately anything we know that can improve the quality of the network.

Check that there is no interfering firewall

The firewall - fires are one of VPN's biggest enemies . They serve to improve security, to protect us on the network, but sometimes they can interfere with other applications. An example is when we use these types of tools. We may have problems.

In short, these are some steps that we need to take into account if we are going to start using a VPN on our system.

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