the Internet

How do I know the IP address of Google and any other Internet domain? Step by step guide

Thanks to the DNS protocol, the IP address has become an unknown number for us. We don't realize how important it is and what benefits we can get when we know the IP address of a particular website, even more so when it comes to Google.

When we know the IP address of Google and one of its tools, we can configure our networks to obtain security adaptations in order to increase our confidentiality . With a DNS protocol, we can write this IP address in a nicer way, so that we can remember it and therefore when we need to access a website, it is much easier.

In this article we will show you everything about well known search engine IP, we will tell you the importance of knowing different internet protocol addresses.

Google IP addresses and their ranges

The IP address is the number by which a device connected to a network and using the Internet protocol corresponding to the TCP / IP model can be identified.

There are five classes of IP, which are classified according to the size of the network, we will mention the first three :

  • Class A , is intended for very large networks and is generally used by international companies, these IP classes start from 1 to 126 for their first byte
  • class B , used for medium networks, the first byte is between 128 and 191.
  • Class C , the one used for small networks, is when its first byte starts at 192 and goes up to 123.

Google having a very large infrastructure that continues to expand dynamically to accommodate different user needs, servers use very large ranges of IP addresses that change frequently.

The IP address ranges of the well-known search engine can be found in the SPF register , which shows all changes to IP addresses.

When we need to create a record that has domain tampering protection (SPF), we will need to establish a relationship with the Google records so that they can change whenever there is a change in the record.

For this we will have to write a few commands, these are :

  • "V = spf1 include: ~ all" , to associate our registry with those of Google
  • "Nslookup -q = TXT" to get the "" relationship we are looking for

In this way, it will return the recordings that are included in this list, which can work with peace of mind, since these IP recordings from the famous search engine are free and always working.

Why do I need to know the IP address of Google or another website?

Internet providers use DNS protocols , which are used for assign a domain name to the IP number so that it can be easily memorized and not have to remember a number.

When we want to enter a domain in as a DNS client, we ask the DNS servers that we need to know the IP address of the corresponding domain. At this time, these DNS servers respond to our request and tell our computer what the correct IP address is.

In this part, browsers or mail clients come into play, which are in charge of communicating with the DNS server.

Most users use the DNS server provided by our internet provider , but there is a much easier and safer way and that is through DHCP, which can be configured manually.

“UPDATE ✅ Do you need to know the IP address of Google or any other Internet portal? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and find out how to do it ✅ EASY and QUICK ✅ »

In other words, if we can configure our network to use servers with free and free DNS, we will be able to separate ourselves from the DNS provided by the provider of our Internet service and thus we can obtain many advantages, for example anonymity. .

Google has started to make its DNS servers available so that they can be used by anyone, including other DNS providers, with this it is possible to improve communication between devices, as well as increase the ability to browse the network faster and also more.

With all of the above, we can say that we must know the IP address of the big "G" to be able to improve our interrelation with other devices on the network we can also improve the experience when we are sailing and best of all is that we can navigate safely.

Steps to find out the IP of the search engine and one of its tools

To find out the IP address of the well-known search engine and one of its tools, for example Gmail, Google Sheets, we can use different tools.

Then we will show you the steps to follow in each of them to get the IP address:

Using the ping command

We can use this command to know the IP of the big "G", for that we will follow this guide:

  • We will launch this command by clicking in the lower left part of our screen, on "Start"
  • Then we will write directly "Cmd"
  • In MS-DOS we will write "Search for programs and files"
  • Enter
  • We write the following command "Ping"

The IP address will be indicated in square brackets.

Using the nslookup Command

To run this command, we are going to do these steps:

  • We are going to "Start"
  • We write "Cmd"
  • A box will appear in which we will write "Search programs and files"
  • We click on "Accept"
  • When MS-DOS appears we will have to type "Nslookup"

If we need to know the IP address of another address, we will use the same command replacing

With online tools

You can get the Big "G" IP or one of its tools , simply by typing its URL in the search bar of the following pages:

  • 24 × site

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments, we will get back to you as soon as possible, and it will be a great help for more community members as well. Thank you!

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