the Internet

Store sensitive and secret data on the Internet securely

The Internet offers us a wide range of possibilities for our daily lives. We have at our disposal multiple tools that we can use on our devices to perform many types of tasks, record information, work, learn ... Today, we echo GuardedBox , an online manager that allows us to store sensitive and secret data in a completely secure way. We may also share them with other users.

GuardedBox, the manager for sharing sensitive information

It is possible that on certain occasions we wish store sensitive information on the Internet. For example usernames, our account data, passwords… We can use many services that allow us to write texts and save this data. However, the importance of safety must be taken into account. The one we choose will not protect us properly.

This is where GuardedBox comes in. It’s a online manager which allows us to save all kinds of information that may be sensitive. It also allows us to share it securely with other users. It should be noted that GuardedBox is a open source tool , completely free and that can be used from any device. We will only need an internet connection and a browser.

Use best security practices to always maintain the encryption . We can save texts without worrying about the information leaking. Likewise when you share this data with other users in a completely confidential manner. It is ideal for, for example, sending a password to someone without fear of being intercepted.

It has a simple and intuitive user interface while still maintaining security. They seek at all times to isolate the user from any complications and technical difficulties he may encounter. It offers a basic service in order to always maintain confidentiality and security.

How to use GuardedBox

The first thing we need to do to use GuardedBox is to enter its website and the section Create a new account, we need to register. There you will request an email and later we will receive an email with the link to continue the process.

Keep in mind that choosing just any password is not enough. It must include at least 16 characters , but also respect a minimum of 80% security . We must not forget the password that we put, because otherwise we will lose everything we have stored.

To log on , as we see in the image above, it is not enough to put the password that we created, but we will have to request a code that we will receive by email.

Once we enter this code, we can definitely enter the account. We will see that the interface is quite simple . Several icons will appear and one of them is used to add a new secret. We can even create an additional password for each secret we store, as well as provide information to identify it.

When we have kept this secret created, we can easily share it. Just click on the group icon. Subsequently, a new window will open to request an email where to send the information that has been created.

At the top we can see the data that has been shared with us, the groups that we have created or where we have been added, as well as a section of My Account to see, among other things, the public encryption key.

In short, GuardedBox is a online tool very simple that we can use at any time to store sensitive information that we want to protect and prevent it from being exposed in any way. We may use this tool for very different reasons like storing passwords, sharing sensitive information with other users, etc.

GuardedBox is quite simple to use and it is also completely free. Basically what we need to do is create an account with a good password and link it to our email. From here we can use this interesting platform with which we can have any kind of information in the cloud and access it anytime and anywhere.

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