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How to use Instagram analytics to track the impact of your posts? Step by step guide

There is no doubt that this social network has become one of the best alternatives for all types of businesses , where the main key is to have a clear and concise strategy of everything you want to achieve . This is why this platform has analyzes that will allow you to follow the impact of each of your publications.

To be able to know each of these statistics is extremely important for any trademark , because this will allow you to know the performance of each of the actions carried out in the application . From this data, you can create some campaigns tailored to the strengths that were uncovered by the data analysis.

Keeping in mind the importance of this function, here we will show you how to start use Instagram analytics and so start to monitor each publication you upload to your account . To do this, follow in detail everything we will teach you below.

Instagram analytics functions and tools What can we know about it?

One of the advantages of using a matters professional Our Instagram - is that you will have the opportunity to have integrated access to all platform statistics. In this way, the social network offers its users the possibility of obtaining a little more information about each of their followers and publications, allowing them to have better control at all times.

In this way you will have the possibility of obtaining statistics of all your publications , as well as to know how many people have seen your images and videos uploaded to your account, you can also measure the scope of each of them , comments, likes, visits to your profile , among others.

You will also have the opportunity to know the behavior and growth of your profile, as well as to know how many people followed you and did not follow you, whether it is men or women, the age of the people, the number of followers of the last hours, among many other statistics that you will be able to study with this excellent tool.

Learn step by step how to interpret and get the most out of Instagram analytics tool

In order to get the most out of this tool, you have to learn to interpret correctly.

For this, below we will show you each of the most relevant metrics that you must take into account at all times and thus be able to measure the effectiveness of your profile:

Know the statistics of your publications

One of the main advantages offered by this analysis tool is that it will allow you to know all the statistics of each of the images and videos that you upload to the platform. To do this, you just need to go to your profile and open the post you want to see , at the bottom you will see the option "See the statistics", he you just need to click on the option to know likes, comments, if they saved or shared .

This way you can start to see the reach of each of your content downloaded to the application, and the number of interactions . If you decide to promote content with the function "Instagram Ads" , you can see at la time statistics from the original publication and the one that was promoted. A function which will allow you to clarify all these figures easily.

Statistics of your followers

Another important aspect that you can take into account is the behavior of your followers, in this case you will have the possibility to monitor which people follow you daily and which do not follow you. You can also obtain relevant data such as the age, gender and location of these followers , all of this will let you know if you are actually reaching the audience you are targeting.

In this way, you will have the opportunity to take into account different parameters , like knowing how much you should post to try to reach more people and whether you need to better adjust your digital strategy or not , this in case you don't have one again. followers .

Also, all of this will let you know when are the best times to post, keep in mind that the amount of online content that exists is very important, so that your ads can easily go unnoticed . Therefore, the best is to be able to identify when the followers are in line , in this way you can measure your consistency and achieve the desired success .

Measure your commitment

Thanks to application analysis, you will have the opportunity to know what interaction is through likes, shares or clicks on each of your publications. You can take it all as one indication of the quality of your work on the social network , and the direction of your brand will depend a lot on it.

Keep in mind that all this analysis needs to be done separately i.e. you need to analyze the videos, the stories , images, among others, everything separately, as well as the promotional content of each publication . This way, you will have the opportunity to determine what type of content has the most impact on the audience.

Watch for hashtags

As we already know, the hashtags have only one objective and that is to increase the reach of each of the publications which are made on the social network , so using them in each of your content will help you improve visibility. Therefore, the best thing to do is to combine the hashtags of your brand, your products / services, your promotion and your event, for' increase the reach of your account.

This way you have to monitor each of the hashtags in order to measure the impacts of each of them , this will let you know which ones are most used by your competitors , such as those who bring the more benefits to your strategy .

Best day and time to post

Another advantage that you will get with the analysis tool platform is that it will allow you to know all the statistics necessary to determine when your audience is most active , which will allow you to do all your publications within this time frame .

However, this point cannot be optimized if you have to log in more than once to make different posts throughout the day. In these cases, the most feasible is to use a program to « schedule Instagram posts » this will allow you to determine which days and at what time you want the content is automatically uploaded to your account .

5 tools to improve Instagram analytics that every community manager should know

Taking into account all advantages what brings you the use analyzes of this social network, you also need to know what are the best tools that allow you to improve all this .

In this way, here we show you the 5 best tools that will allow you to have a bigger and much more professional analysis:

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Metricool is considered one of the best analysis tools today , which will help you improve your online marketing strategy . It is also responsible for offering you advanced Instagram analytics , which will give you the opportunity to integrate all your tools into one , also being able to combine your Google AD, Facebook and web pages accounts directly with Instagram .

Thus Metricool Will help you measure all the necessary data that will allow you to know the effectiveness of each of your actions , as' detailed activity of your account , tracking hashtags, analyzing Stories, among many other statistics are available there.

icons square is considered one of the most popular and advanced tools for development of strategies on social networks such as Instagram. And thanks to this platform, you will have the possibility to manage your entire account, knowing each of the statistics of the most relevant functions.

In this way, you will have the opportunity to know advanced statistics that will allow you to measure all the actions you take within your account , as well as to know their evolution . In this way, you will have a system that will allow you to improve communication with your audience during the' integration of all messages that you receive from each of your followers.

squarelovin is characterized by being a platform that offers two types of services, one of them free that will allow you to perform a comprehensive analysis of your social networks and a payment service focused on e-commerce in terms of improving content delivery. In this way, you will have the possibility of obtaining analytical data with which you can measure each of the metrics available on the social network, such as them subscribers, reach of posts, likes, among others.

Therefore, this tool has become a means visual and attractive to achieve a complete analysis of the behavior of your account, which will allow you to know what are the strongest and weakest points when digital marketing application for your brand .

Minder is a tool completely specialized in what is the Instagram social network, which is based exclusively on hashtags, but over time he added new services. All this has led him to become currently one of the the most comprehensive statistical analysis tools of this social network .

Thanks to all of this, Minder has become a very good alternative for all companies that need to know advanced data to analyze the different actions they take.

This is how this tool can provide you with information on the following points:

  • He offers you the best videos according to the filter applied .
  • The best photos according to the filter applied .
  • Detailed activities of each of the subscribers from your account.
  • A exclusive section for hashtags .

Finally, we present you the account Sprout Social , who is responsible for combine analysis with content creation and management tools, thus allowing you to have a greater control over everything you do from your account . In addition, it has a editorial calendar which has all the functions available, whether for schedule new content on multiple platforms .

In addition, this online program became one of the best options for large organizations , who have a centralized media library to manage the built-in editing tools.

In this way, you will have the opportunity to realize a complete analysis of the behavior of each of your followers , as well as to know the scope that each of your content published on the social network . A great alternative to start keeping a trace of the analysis of your account at any time.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments, we will get back to you as soon as possible, and it will be a great help for more community members as well. Thank you!

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