Social Networks

How to adjust the size and resolution of an image in Instagram Stories - step by step

Social networks are ideal platforms to promote entrepreneurs and people with diverse and extraordinary talents. Therefore, knowing and using the tools they offer is very important. For this reason, today you can learn to adjust the size and resolution of an image in Instagram Stories .

It is one of the most important implementations that Instagram has achieved in recent years . Something that, without a doubt, has created a trend and should be used very well. So how about a little reminder?

The power of images on Instagram

Every social network has qualities which, although similar, there is always one that makes the difference. The quality that sets Instagram apart from others is its power for business.

Influencers, companies, artists, entrepreneurs. In this, as in any other social network, there is everything. But when it comes to promotional tools, no platform looks like Instagram .

And what better way to attract attention to this social network than with pictures? Photographs, for the most part. This is the most efficient way to have more visits to your Instagram stories .

Proportions on Instagram

Instagram stories are a simple and effective way to let people know what is happening instantly . But that's not all! The reach of your posts can be greater if you know how to share Instagram stories on Facebook .

Now, some inconvenience may arise when posting in Stories. Instagram has been recognized, among other things, for being strict on proportion of its images .

In this sense, two options are available to you. The first: take a photo directly from the application. The second: upload a photo from your gallery to Instagram. The problem occurs when the platform cuts your photo.

What does it talk about? Instagram uses the 9:16 format for posts in stories . Therefore, any photograph that is not in this format may lose quality.

What to do about it?

Does this mean that your photo and the content you were about to upload have been ruined? For nothing! There are many ways to make the photo conforms to the format required by Instagram and not to lose quality . The alternative is extremely simple, and you have it incredibly close.

This is your gallery editor! Many people are used to downloading photo editors for these types of tasks. The reality is that mobile device makers have built small but efficient editors into their computers. It is for this reason that it is possible to adjust the size and resolution of an image .

  1. Enter the image gallery on your cell phone.
  2. Select the photo you want to post.
  3. Click on the "Edit" icon (on some devices it is represented by a pencil).
  4. Use the "Crop" tool.
  5. You will see several parameter formats, among which the 9:16 format appears.
  6. Ready!

Choosing an application

If, on the other hand, you need a much more complete alternative, then it is advisable to download an app. For adjusting the size and resolution of an image, few apps are as good as “No crop for Instagram Story”.

This app is just ideal for preview my Instagram profile or stories before posting . You just need to select the desired photo and add the background. The aspect ratio and resolution adjustments are made automatically by the application.

Make your Instagram profile stand out from the crowd!

Adjusting the size and resolution of an image, as you can see, is extremely simple. However, simplicity does not take away from the problem. The photos you use for archive, save and highlight stories on Instagram are what earns you a sequel .

Make the most of these tips! Only then will you be able to download quality content with high resolution photos.

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