Social Networks

How to know and see the list of people I follow on Facebook

Today we will see how to know and see the list of people I follow on Facebook . The social network has the ability to follow people without having them as friends. It's a great tool for keeping up to date with the activity of people we are interested in.

We will see step by step how to see all the people that I'm on Facebook , it's quite simple and from one place we can manage this list without any problem. It's a pretty straightforward tutorial that if you follow it to the letter you can do it in a matter of minutes.

How to follow someone on Facebook

Following a person is actually pretty straightforward and is a great option when you don't want to have too many friends or maybe said person has reached the limit of them and can't take more friend requests.

You should go to that person's profile and you will see a button that says " Follow " or " Subscribe ». In some profiles, this option may or may not appear depending on whether or not it is enabled in your account.

How to stop following someone on Facebook

On your turn, you can no longer follow a friend. What is it for? It's stopping seeing all your messages without having to delete them from your friends list. . It's great for situations where you don't want to have any issues or complaints about removing a friend from your friends list, but you don't want to see more posts from someone in particular.

Then you go to his profile, instead of going to the button » Friends To delete it. You will choose " Stop following " and that's all. This person will never know that you have no longer followed them and you will not see their messages in your feed.

How do I know which people I am on Facebook?

  • It is very easy to know which people you are following on Facebook. You must first you log in with your account and access your profile.
  • To do this, simply click on the photo with your name that appears at the top of the social network.
  • Once in our profile, we must click on the tab " Friends ”Located under the cover photo.
  • Here we can see some sections: » All the friends «,» Followers " and " People / Pages You Follow «.
  • By clicking on the last section, you will be able to see all of the people you are currently following. From there you can choose if you want to stop following them.

How to display the list of people I follow on Facebook

It is very easy to see the list of people you follow on Facebook . In the same friends section, you will be able to see not only the people you follow. But you will also be able to see the people who follow you.

From this same section, you can manage both followers , which you follow and also all your friends. In order to have absolute control over your account in this regard.

It is very easy to learn to know and see the list of people I follow on Facebook . Remember, having a friend as a person isn't the same as following them. If you follow, you'll see that person's posts, but that doesn't mean that person sees yours.

To a certain extent, it's like like giving a Facebook page. Where you can interact and see their posts, but obviously yours won't be seen by others who don't follow you or don't have friends.

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