Social Networks

How to know the weather in my city live using the Facebook weather app

Facebook is one of the most popular social networks used in the world and has had a great impact since its inception in 2004. In recent years, this social network has positioned itself as one with a large number of users , which leave it to your developers to make it more complete.

For this reason and more, its updates always bring improvements and new features. An example is the apps that can be added to Facebook. Within these apps there is one that is getting a lot of attention and we are going to talk about it today.

What is Facebook?

Basically, this app is the one with the most users in the world, with around 2,2 billion users generally active most of the time. The purpose of the creator of Facebook is to enable people to interact with others from all over the world by sharing any content be it photos, texts or videos.

Facebook; Being a very complete social network, it allows users who wish to develop their business to manage of strategies digital marketing to publicize their work. In addition, you can interact in a group with several people who also have similar interests and needs to yours within the platform.

Now in this segment we are going to talk about an app with a good purpose, which was launched by Facebook on its platform to provide climate information. This way you can find the live weather of your city up to a week in advance thanks to the thread by Topicality .

How do I activate the option to know the weather forecast where I live from Facebook?

An interesting and interesting detail about this option is that it is available in a desktop version and for mobile devices, regardless of the operating system. For this option to appear, you just need to make sure that the Facebook app is updated on your device by checking it from the Google Play Store .

Once you've done that, the weather option should automatically appear on Facebook , but now you will need to follow a few simple steps to activate it. First, go to the icon, which is three lines that takes you to the application options, where the menu with the Favorites or Applications sections will appear.

Here enter the option "Applications" where different actions scroll and you have to go down to "see everything" , where the option "time" appears . When selecting there, the option to activate the time will appear; but you must first enable your device's location to be able to provide this information.

After that you can set the time, i.e. choose another city or choose degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius , this appears in the nut that appears on the screen. This way you will start enjoying this new service every time you enter and update your profile on Facebook.

What services does Facebook offer?

The most notable services of Facebook are first of all; the friends list , in which as a user of this social network you can add known people. This is something that all users love because it gives you allows you to find friends  with whom you have lost contact and want to speak.

Another service that stands out is the chat it offers, with which you can communicate and send instant messages or share publications if you have an internet connection. In these messages you also have a good option to send gifts or gifts, which are little icons that are sent to private or that everyone can see.

Why is it a good idea to use Facebook as a personal tool?

As we mentioned earlier, this app boasts of its great popularity in the world, as it is easy to use for anyone who wants to create an account. Facebook is an application with which you can create a group to facilitate networking, so that you can make contacts faster.

do not forget with Facebook you can make your personal interests known simply by giving a "Like" to a page , a photo or updating the status of other users. Also, if your idea with your account is to use it for business purposes, you can do so; This way your friends can share your profile and show it to others.

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