Social Networks

How to create an account on Telegram Messenger? - Step by step

The communications open a step in the digital world, in a moment we see how the world is developing through digital interactions. Today, society is more connected than ever, all thanks to the Internet.

Thanks to social networks, people have been interacting and communicating for years, paving the way for the emergence of new ideas. This is the case with instant messaging applications.

These essentially consist in giving its users the possibility of communicating in the most convenient way possible. People who wish to take advantage of these applications should register and thus be able to access it in a more orderly manner.

How to create an account on Telegram Messenger?

Telegram one of the most used instant messaging applications , with more than 400 million monthly active users worldwide. It was officially launched in 2013, quickly becoming one of the platforms with the most users.

Telegram is basically an application that provides courier services between users who use the service. We can interact with people individually, as well as through group chats where multiple people share messages in real time.

In addition to the text, the videos and images can also be shared , as well as other lightweight files, we can even use Telegram cloud to store files . To access it is via a mobile application, it should be noted that there is also a desktop version.

One of the essential requirements for setting up a Telegram account is having a phone number, as well as access to the phone that has the line, but many are looking to use a Telegram account without a phone number . This cell phone will receive a Confirmation code that we must enter to confirm the creation of our account.

This phone number will be saved in our account, as our Telegram profile number. With which other users can register us and thus be able to start chatting, quickly and easily, and use all the tips and secrets of this application.

It is very important to know the methods that can be used to create an account on Telegram. In this article, we are going to learn each of the steps you need to take to successfully create a Telegram account.

Steps to download Telegram

If we are going to download Telegram from an Android device, the first thing to do is go to the shop applications Play Store . Once there, we select the search bar located at the top of the screen.

Now that we write Telegram , a list of applications will appear where we have to select the first one. Now we click on Download , we accept the terms and voila, it will start to download.

In case you want to download the Telegram app from iOS device, we need to open the iTunes store. In the search bar at the top, we write Telegram and click on search, select the first option and then hit download.

Steps to create an account in Telegram Messenger

Once the app is downloaded the first thing to do is open it, when we first enter we get a welcome box in which we have to select Start . The app will automatically recognize the country we are in.

Now we enter our phone number in the box after our country code. You must now click on Next in selecting the option located in the upper right corner of the screen.

We will be directed to a tab where we have to write a confirmation code, this code will arrive at the number we entered previously. We look for the code and we write it in the box that asks for it, we give Next .

Ready in this way, we will have successfully created the account in Telegram. If you want to access our account from our computer, we can also do that. To do this, we need to open our trusted browser.

In the address bar we write the following and we give enter, in the box that says Number of phone, we write our number and we give Next . A code will arrive on our phones, we must enter it and Done.

Finally, we hope this article has been useful to you. However, we would like to know, were you able to create your Telegram account? Do you see Telegram as a good message? Leave your opinion in the comments.

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