Social Networks

How to broadcast live with Action! no lag on YouTube from PC

Social networks and digital platforms have been widely accepted to date, there is a exorbitant number of users who access entertainment web pages, in order to obtain or share information, meet people, communicate with friends, among other things.

There are different pages that provide what is needed to achieve these goals such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, the latter being one of the most visited, with a total of 200 billion users , and a lot of people entering the page. every day.

What is Youtube for?

YouTube is a website dedicated to video sharing and which allows users to create their own audiovisual content within this platform, whether it is for sharing information, telling an anecdote, commenting on a specific topic, sharing songs or simply to create entertainment for people through their videos, content creators are called YouTubers

By having an idea of ​​the how to create a YouTube account, you already have the possibility of having subscribers and know how to see the number of subscribers you have,  go to your channel page and find the section that says subscribers.

There are several methods to increase the number of subscribers and views, there are even those who claim that there is the possibility of gain 1000 subscribers on YouTube by being new to this platform.

How to create great content on YouTube?

Normally, people who start on YouTube tend to be confused by not knowing what content to do , on these occasions simply analyze the activities at which you are good at, or which you enjoy doing the most.

From playing an instrument to someone who plays many video games, the latter being the video content le most common of the Most existing YouTubers because it's something they love to do, it makes it easier for them, and they tend to be more open to the public. when recording game videos, whether to explain them or to play them back.

Most YouTubers players prefer transmit their videos live This is to generate more credibility with viewers when they see the YouTuber's reactions, as being live there is no way to alter any occasion that occurs during playback. .

The problem with this option is that the video at the start of the live recording has tendency to operate with a lag or some delay and some lack of coordination between what is happening and what is being heard.

To avoid these issues, it is good to use a good app that runs fast and without lag when streaming live, an app that performs this function is Action! , which will allow you to transmit your videos live without problems and without lag.

Steps to Live Stream with Action! no lag on YouTube

Action! is an app is one of the best and most advanced programs screen recording , which allows you to record and transmit in real time your computer screen with excellent video quality, if you want to start broadcasting live with Action! follow the instructions below.

  • You will first need to download the program from the Mirillis official page , (it should be noted that it is paid, if you can't buy it, you can look for free version)
  • After installing and opening the application you will have to open it and modify the sound, enter the "Audio recording" section , select your microphone in its respective section then click on » Always save ”
  • After that, enter " Video recording »Where you will have to configure the volume of each option, (Take into account that the sound of your microphone should always be above the internal sound of the PC)
  • When you have already configured the sound, go to the section Live , then select the broadcast mode, and choose the area of ​​your screen you want to see
  • In the section of URL server , you will need to paste the address that YouTube gives you in the live streaming options
  • In the transmission code, you will have to put the same one that you wrote on YouTube.

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