Social Networks

How to quickly delete my Instagram photos from my cell phone

It's been a while since you created this Instagram account and now you realize that you don't even use it anymore; but remember that you have a lot of photos that are not even relevant anymore. Well don't worry, from the comfort of your cell phone you can quickly delete photos, some or all, without spending so much time and so you have everything under control. Would you like to know how? So read on, this article is for you.

Delete your Instagram photos in just a few steps

Of course, the first thing to do is to enter the Instagram app with the username and password to be able to access the photos you want to delete. An advice, if you do not remember the username or password of the Instagram account , there is no need to worry, because now it is a little easier to retrieve it, since you can also enter with Facebook username and password .

Once inside the account, the steps to follow are very simple. Once you have logged into the account, you will go to the option which is in the toolbar at the bottom; It's the first icon you'll find from right to left and it's shaped like a person, there you click on it.

When you are in this option, you will be able to have access to all the files that you have downloaded , such as photos or videos ; You'll also be able to see your username, followers, and people following you. But let's move on to what we're interested in, the screen will be split into two parts, one under an icon that looks like a square sheet and another with an icon that looks like a folder identified with a person, just like the one you saw on the start.

View the photos you want to delete

We are on the right track, we are already visualizing all the images that we have and those that we have already decided to eliminate definitively; If there are a lot of photos that you want to delete, you need to have a little patience because you cannot select more than one and delete them, but you must to erase photo by photo; yes one by one but don't worry it's very easy to do.

When you have already selected the photo you want to delete, just look in the top toolbar for an icon with three dots, one below the other; it's in the upper right corner, just for recent versions; but although where it is positioned may vary, the icon remains the same for everyone.

The big moment has come, you are just one step away, so just click on the delete option. And there you have it, super easy and in the comfort of doing it from your mobile phone, without having to enter a PC, download any type of program or watch long tutorials.

As a safety measure, it will ask you a question to confirm that you really want to delete this photo, you just need to confirm that you want to delete the photo and it's that simple, with just a few steps you can permanently delete them from photos that may bother you, or just no longer the case you have uploaded them for all to see.

Have you seen how easy it is to quickly delete your Instagram photos from your cell phone? Without complications or an infinite number of entangled steps; Then you can reconnect to make sure that all photos have been deleted.

Y recuerda que tu celular tenía una configuración de guardado automático de las cosas que subes, entonces debes buscar una carpeta de Instagram en la galería, donde se almacenan todos esos archivos como respaldo, por algún attack of vulnerability a tu cuenta o que la hayas perdido by mistake; And if you also delete it from your cell phone memory, you will have more space to save whatever you want.

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