Social Networks

How Safe Are Facebok Couples? - Know the security of Facebook dating

Facebook Dating is a good alternative in times of lockdown so you avoid any physical contact and you can find a partner via the social network Facebook . While there are plenty of rumors about the security it provides, it is a platform that is currently getting a large number of views.

This app was launched over a year ago and is available in some Latin American countries, in addition to the United States. In this way and through the app, you can make appointments via video calls in Messenger.

But it should be noted that although the confidentiality of Facebook Dating does is not considered secure, its founder Mark Zuckerberg said this space within Facebook was designed "with privacy and security in mind from the start." In turn, those who can even access Facebook couples are the ones who create an account.

Discover the Safety of Facebook Dating

Although Facebook couples can be used through the mobile app, it is separate from the normal Facebook account. This is considered a security measure because if you do not have an account you will not be able to access it.

Likewise, this platform blocks users who do not use good behavior and start with annoyance.

At the same time, you are not allowed to send more than one message to the other person , which in this case is called the "Appointment" if you have not replied to the message before, to avoid any inconvenience.

It should be noted that you can decide who you want to have a date with and thus not have to wait for them to be displayed in the queue.

Also, as part of Facebook couples safety, it's worth mentioning that the app only includes people who are added to Facebook as a dating benchmark.

In addition, when you no longer wish to be part of this application, you can withdraw and rest easy, because all your information will be deleted from the platform.

User can help maintain privacy

Based on the above, it should be considered that it is the same user who has the opportunity to protect their privacy if they do not provide a lot of informations on its networks.

It should also be understood that Facebook performs the procedure of erasure of your data , but it is the user himself who can put himself at risk with regard to his private life. When sharing information publicly, allowing anyone to have access to it.

Avoid adding too much information

It is recommended do not add a lot of information on different social media platforms, such as: contact number, email address, place of residence, work, among other information.

As they might cause you a problem, it is recommended not to put a photo you've used on other social media platforms as Photo of profile .

Another recommendation is to try to keep the conversation going with the date only through the app, this way you avoid giving out your cell phone number to other people. This way you will not be exposed to other users as you might be seen as a vulnerable victim to personal data information.

However, many users have neglected the Facebook application and therefore Facebook Dating sometimes has few users.

In fact, a lot of people are wary of the security they can have through Facebook. This is due to previous app errors where user privacy was exposed, leaving people in a vulnerable state. By itself, this app can be considered to have a serious privacy error.

Another mistake that could put the security of Facebook Dating at a disadvantage is that there is still no way to believe in the reality of the date . The identity of the other person cannot be known for sure.

Finally, we hope this article has helped you. However, we would love to hear from you, what other recommendations do you have for better use of facebook dating? Leave us your answers in the comments.

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