Social Networks

# Generación208: Peugeot's engagement with young influencers reaches up to 20% engagement


The Social Media increasingly influence people's lives and decisions. In fact, 85% of Internet users claim to have social networks , according to' 2019 annual study of social networks prepared by IAB Spain and Elogia. For this reason, more and more brands decide to be present on social networks and through them, promote their products and services with attractive campaigns for users, collaborating on numerous occasions with influencers renowned who publish about it.

In this way, 72% of social media users recognize following brands on these platforms and 31% of those questioned say they believe that a brand is present on social networks. Faced with this situation, more and more brands are encouraged to run campaigns on social networks with the collaboration of influencers to promote their products or services.

Thus, Peugeot presented the campaign on social networks # Generación208, which was developed by the agency Digital Commerce Marketing Praise to launch its new utility. For this action, they had the participation of recognized influencers, among which: actor Ricardo Gómez and entrepreneur and youtuber specialized in technology and engine Jaume Lahoz .

As explained Carmen Díaz, manager social media at Peugeot: “From the first moment, we were convinced that # Generación208 corresponded perfectly to the new era which characterizes the automotive sector and, above all, to the new 208 and the capacity for choice offered to users. "

The digital agency has selected influencer profiles who identify with the spirit of the new 208 model and with the brand under the hashtag # Generation208 . The automaker thus sought to create a campaign with influencers on social networks who have experienced all the transcendent changes that have occurred over the past 30 years , experimenting with this transformation from analog to digital, as happened in the automotive industry.

“With this choice, the goal was for users to connect with the brand, feel identified with it and be part of the famous # Generación208, thus trying to increase the community, motivating interaction with the brand through these influencers, becoming a great speaker for the company and improving interaction with it ” , declares Iria Mendez , social media manager at Peugeot at Elogia.

The main channel on which the campaign was generated was Instagram, although the content was also adapted to the rest of the social platforms, adapting the communication to each channel. Likewise, in addition to the publications of the influencers themselves, Peugeot also generated content with the umbrella concept of the campaign. With all this, the company managed to achieve up to 20% engagement , reaching over 200000 users and successfully interacting with over 2000 users on social media

« A campaign with influencers is not just a stakeholder with a large audience. We went further and chose each of the ad hoc profiles taking into account the characteristics that we wanted to enhance the New Peugeot 208. We wanted their values ​​to correspond both to the model and to our users, so that they were truly reflected. in and to be able to connect in a more personalized way with them », Explains Iria Méndez de Elogia.

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