Social Networks

Where are the photos sent to me via Snapchat stored?

Social networks have evolved a lot in recent years. The basis for being able to share multimedia content on a social network has always been a constant. But what's interesting is how they made these Social Media much more interactive between users, forcing to be used by everyone .

The fact that known or unknown people can share this same content in a more creative is what made the difference.

The Social Media lived and died for the same thing, but that's what makes its use interesting. That is why Snapchat was so well known when it was released . Although its user level has been going down for some time because Instagram can provide a similar service in its stories, Snapchat remains active and with its particular ways of sharing content.

The fact of download and receive photos or videos of how it makes Snapchat is unique. But one thing that often happens with new Snapchat users is that they wonder, " Where are the pictures? ».

If you have a problem with where they save all the images they send to you and you want to delete to save space, stick with us, because below we have prepared a step by step for you can take care of it.

Manage photos sent to you by Snapchat

Many wonder what they can do with all these images they are getting on Snapchat . Where do they end up? How can I delete or review them? These are some of the questions faced by users of this app. However, the answer to these questions is much simpler than it seems, although perhaps or just as obvious.

In reality, photos received from Snapchat, whether through private chats or as we see other people's posts, cannot be saved to your device. That's right, these images cannot be downloaded by conventional methods to your device.

In Snapchat , there is no option " Save image " like with Twitter or Facebook , and that's a big plus considering all the images you can see in one day on Snapchat with active users. Whatever you see, it won't be on your mobile devices , and this is really one of the attractions of this app.

For this reason, don't worry too much about the space on your device. But if you want to save the images, you can see how by following the step by step below.

Save Snapchat Photos

To can save photos Snapchat, you need to follow a few steps. Do this as we show you below:

  1. First of all you need to enter the app Snapchat , which you can search for on the Home screen or in the section where all your apps are located.
  2. Then swipe the screen to the right to be able to exit the screen to take photos and enter the private chats section.
  3. Select the conversation you have with someone and find the Snap you want to save as much. This is important because you cannot repeat a Snap only once.
  4. Now you need to take a screenshot to be saved on your mobile. If you have an Android device, you must press simultaneously on the button activation and volume down button . And in the case of devices iOS , you must select the activation button and start at the same time.
  5. Now, those images you captured will end up in your gallery and you can review them as many times as you want.

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