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What is Tiktok's handbag and how's it going

You've probably wondered how many content creators do to generate income by making videos so they can live on TikTok. Even though it may seem like a utopia, it is easier to earn money on TikTok than on others Social Media.

Unlike platforms like Facebook et Instagram, here you don't need to have a sponsor brand or company profile, just your creativity and your perseverance to create content that others love.

Of course, this doesn't happen overnight, but when you do, you may receive TikTok gifts other users who like your content and earn real money.

What is the TikTok wallet and how do you get a balance?

To do this, you need to know everything about the TikTok wallet (all accounts have them, including yours) and that's precisely what we want to talk to you about. If you want to know all the details related to this topic, be sure to read the information we have for you.

What is the TikTok wallet?

Le TikTok wallet is essentially a "Virtual wallet" in which they keep all your parts, whether they are the ones you bought with real money to give to other content creators or the same ones you received as a gift.

Everything about the TikTok app virtual wallet

And yes, a lot of real money circulate on TikTok. That is why, every day, we see more and more people dedicating themselves to the content creation within this platform to start making a living from it.

The point is that all the coins that you have accumulated against gifts from other users can be exchanged for real money directly to your account PayPal or your bank account.

What are TikTok coins and what are they used for?

Now what are the parts or "rooms" de TikTok? It's a virtual currency which is paid for with real money and which is mainly used as a kind of gift for content creators and so provide support or reward for their videos.

Coins from the TikTok platform are used to give gifts to your favorite tiktokers

It should be noted that these coins only work within the platform and in order to acquire them you have to buy them with real money. There are different "Packs" from 70 to 7 pieces depending on how much money you are willing to invest.

Next, we leave you the different parts packages that you can buy on TikTok and their price depending on the device you are using:


  • 70 coins for 1,09 euro.
  • 350 pieces for 5,49 euros.
  • 1400 pieces for 21,99 euros.
  • 3 coins for 500 euros.
  • 7 coins for 000 euros.


  • 65 coins for 1,09 euro.
  • 330 pieces for 5,49 euros.
  • 1 coins for 321 euros.
  • 3 coins for 303 euros.
  • 6 coins for 607 euros.

All of this price and number of currencies may vary by country or region. In some countries this option is limited.

How do I top up my balance on TikTok?

You want to top up your balance on TikTok and you don't know how? It's easier than it looks and we take you step by step through what you need to do to acquire parts within your budget.

  • The first thing to do is to access the TikTok app from your mobile device.
  • Now go to your profile by accessing from the option "I", located at the bottom right of your screen.
  • Then go to "Settings> Balance> Top up".
  • It only remains to choose the coin pack that you want to top up according to the budget you want to invest.
  • Confirm payment through your account Google Play or App Store to be debited from your linked card or PayPal account.
  • Once payment confirmed, the rooms will be automatically added to your TikTok wallet to use them whenever you want.

Here are the steps to follow to top up your TikTok wallet

How do I use TikTok coins?

You already know what the TikTok wallet, you know the parts, you bought a pack and now? Well if you have already recharged your account, now is the time to use it. But how do you do that?

If you have a content creator worthy of your admiration, a great way to show your support is to him send a gift. This is only possible when you are doing a LIVE and for that, press the pink gift box icon in below the video.

Watch a LIVE of your favorite tiktoker and tap the gift icon to donate coins

Of course, keep in mind that by making this donation, everyone who is currently viewing the video will be able to see your profile and know that you have made a donation. So if you were intending to do it anonymously, this might not be the best option.

How to top up coins for free on TikTok?

You are probably wondering if there is a way to top up TikTok for free and how you can do it. Unfortunately, we have bad news for you, because there is no legitimate way to do it.

To be able to reload coins in TikTok, you must use your card or linked PayPal account

Currently, "There is no third party app or website" up generate credits for TikTok beyond the application itself available for Android and iOS. You will surely see hundreds of pages that claim to be able to do this, however, these are just scams to hack your account, so we do not recommend that you do so in any way.

In addition, the platform itself is very strict with the moderation of this type of actions in its Terms of use, so if you try, you run the risk of temporary closure or permanent deletion of your account, so it's not worth the risk.

However, if you want to know some tips on how to get coins legally, learn how to earn money on TikTok in 2021 with these methods.

As you will see, it is very easy to top up your TikTok wallet and start supporting the creators who increasingly entertain you with their content.

And don't worry if you can't buy parts, there are other free ways to support them, like leaving a like, commenting and sharing their content with your friends. They will surely appreciate it.

Picture | Unsplash I, Unsplash II

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