Social Networks

TIKTOK: If a minor misuses the social network, your parents can be accused of negligence

Exposure on social media is always a thorny question and whether it affects even more Minors. It is precisely for this reason that the sentence to which Pablo Duchement, a computer forensic expert well known, echoed today is particularly striking.

As the expert explains in a discussion thread on his Twitter account, a Spanish judge handed down a conviction for misuse of TikTok by a minor under the age of 14, which in some cases can be considered negligent conduct on the part of parents.

A decision by a Spanish judge creates case law in the use of TikTok by minors.

A pioneering phrase in Spain

For the first time in Spain, a judge has ruled on the use of TikTok by minors under the age of 14: if they use it without parental control or use it inappropriately (for example, to talk to strangers or download inappropriate content), this could be considered negligent conduct in custody and custody.

Indeed, according to the expert, a favorable sentence was obtained for one of the two parents precisely because the other allowed the son to use TikTok without control.

Is it legal for a minor to use TikTok?

If we let's pay attention Asked TikTok Spain usage policies, from the social network itself, it is reported that its use should not be allowed to children under 13 years of age, although it is enough to browse the Chinese application to verify for yourself that this restriction is not met in all cases.

From TikTok, they recommend parents to supervise the use that their children give to the smartphone, even offering the possibility to lodge a complaint against accounts managed by minors. Likewise, it is pointed out that TikTok has an age indicator in the App Store, classifying it as not recommended for children under 12, a disclaimer that the Google Play Store reproduces, calling it "content. For the young".

From there, TikTok advises parents to activate the actions of parental control to prevent these types of apps from downloading on their children's devices.

Finally, from the ByteDance platform, they also recommend that parents monitor the activity of their teenagers in activating features such as family synchronization in order modify parameters such as the visibility of an account, the time of use of the application or directly messages among many others.

Beyond the recommendations of TikTok, in Spain, it is necessary that between 14 and 18 years, you have the consent of both parents to use the app. A use that will not be not complete either, since functions like posting your own content, comments, search or messaging will have to be limited.

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