Social Networks

Check WhatsApp web security to verify that no one is spying on WhatsApp

Using WhatsApp through computer or tablet using WhatsApp Web has become one of the most common ways to discuss with our contacts. But unfortunately, this is not the safest way to do it.

At the time we had already seen that spying on WhatsApp was possible, and more common than one could imagine. And Web WhatsApp is one of the methods most used by "gossip" when trying to access the content of our conversations.

Fortunately, there are ways to check the security of WhatsApp Web to prevent others from reading our messages.

Are they spying on you on WhatsApp? You can easily avoid it.

So you can know if someone is reading your WhatsApp chats

There are several ways to access our WhatsApp messages through WhatsApp Web. The most common occurs when the we forget our session started on a computer that is not ours, for example that of a friend or relative.

In this case, the owner of the computer can access WhatsApp Web with our login session and read all our messages, send new ones or even download pictures and videos of the discussions.

It may also be that another person had access to our mobile and connected to WhatsApp Web on a computer without our authorization, hiding the notification that appears on our mobile so that we do not know that our session is being used on WhatsApp. Web.

In both cases, checking if we are being spied on using WhatsApp web or WhatsApp desktop app is simple. You just need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the WhatsApp application on your mobile.
  2. Tap the icon with three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. In the menu, choose the option "WhatsApp Web".
  4. You will see a section titled “Device Status”, where the list will appear with all the computers and browsers where WhatsApp Web is used.
  5. If you see a suspicious computer, you can log out by tapping the item in the list and then tapping the red text that says "Log Out."

This way the person who read your WhatsApp chats ne will no longer access it via WhatsApp Web, because it will need to have access to your mobile to re-scan the WhatsApp Web QR code. In addition, for some time there has also been the option to block the connection to WhatsApp Web by fingerprint.

If you are concerned that other people may be able to access the content of your WhatsApp messages, we recommend that you consult our whatsapp security guide, where you will find several tips and tricks to keep your account safe and prevent others from reading your chats without Your permission.

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