
How to do an advanced package search with Aptitude for Linux or Debian

It is possible to perform advanced searches for packages in the systems exploitation Debian or Linux, with the tool Aptitude . With it, it is also possible to install, eliminate or purge the system of any program or file that one wishes to remove.

Like many actions in Linux, this requires the use of commands executed at from a terminal . In the respective terminals we put all the codes to configure the system as we see fit.

In See how it's done, we'll give you the commands to use Aptitude to perform advanced searches in the terminal.

Do advanced research with Aptitude on Linux or Debian

The basic command for performing any type of search is " sudo aptitude search “, Followed by what is explicitly required. These can be program names or anything else specific, but with super user privileges for the sudo command.

With this we can do the more advanced search, because we have the basic command to be executed according to one of them. An example of this search is when we want to search for new files or packages, for which we have to put a ' ~ N ' .

It should be noted that this term must be preceded by the basic command that we mentioned earlier, to make it work. If we run it, Aptitude will display a list of all the new packages and files on the system, very quickly.

If we want to search for files or packages that are edited, we have to place the command sudo aptitude search edit . Similar to the previous time, a list will be displayed, but with items that have been edited or changed.

In case we are interested in finding files with a specific description, we need to add it to the basic command we mentioned. An example can be the command ~ instagram , which will display the packages containing the word Instagram in their description.

We can also search for items that start with a specific word in the name we gave them when saving them. Just place the base command and add the symbol ^ end , followed by the search word.

We can also search for packages that end with your name with a word we are interested in for anything. In this case, instead of placing the symbol ^, we place the $ symbol at the end of said word highlighting.

These are the commands most used in advanced searches with Aptitude for Linux and Debian operating systems.

Other advanced search commands and important system features

We can be much more precise than in previous research, to make procedures much more complex. For example, if we are looking for a file with a certain description, but rejecting an item in its name, we use special elements .

Those are ~d et ! ~N^ , the first speaking of the description we are looking for, and the other rejecting a word. It must be at the beginning of the name, that is, it rejects packets that start with this word.

We must always remember that these special orders must be preceded by the basic command that we mentioned above. When the commands are used correctly, you can search the Linux system for anything with Aptitude.

Using Linux commands is an interesting topic, but many users are also looking for ways to use registers . These types of files are essential to inform the person of any message representative of the system , which makes them very essential.

And, like many other operating systems, Linux needs constant maintenance and overhaul for its proper functioning. Stacer and Bleachbit are operating system cleaning programs, very good especially for Ubuntu operating systems.

When we handle commands with ease in Linux terminals, everything becomes much easier for us to do. It is important to remember that these actions are super users and that permissions such as the sudo or root command are required.

You can find more information about the Linux system in other articles on the See How To page. We have many items of interest, which can clarify many doubts and questions for anyone who needs valuable help.

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