
How to install packages or programs in Ubuntu from terminal?

The Ubuntu operating system has several ways to install packages and programs. If you want to perform this process from the Ubuntu terminal, we recommend that you read this article with which you will learn How to install packages or programs in Ubuntu from terminal?

What is the APT?

APT stands for "Advanced Packaging Tool" and refers to a set of package management tools . APT is included in the GNU / Linux distributions database and facilitates processes such as updating, installing, and removing programs and packages.

What is APT used for?

APT is used to manage and find packages, as well as request information about them to install and update if necessary.

APT has command lines which allow you to configure the configuration with an interface, to manage the authentication of the keys and even the use of external means as a means of installing the packages.

How to install packages or programs in Ubuntu from terminal?

In general, almost all GNU / Linux distributions provide their applications from repositories. Even some actions such as configuring two or more monitors in Linux from the terminal also require repositories, as they have a catalog managed by developers that can be used by users.

Next, we present all the information you need about the process of installing packages and programs in Ubuntu using Terminal. Therefore, when you have finished reading this article, you will be able to perform this task without any difficulty.

Access the Ubuntu terminal

To easily install programs on Ubuntu Linux downloaded from the Internet , you can use the software center or the terminal. Le Ubuntu terminal  is nothing more than a system that allows you to control the operating system through commands. In this sense, with the terminal you can install packages and programs locally or online using the Internet.

To access the Ubuntu Terminal, simply press the "Ctrl + Alt + T" keys. It is the fastest and easiest shortcut that you can run the platform with.

Update Packages in Ubuntu from Terminal

Once you access the Ubuntu Terminal, it is essential to update the packages. In this way, you will be able to refresh the list of components in the repositories and install the packages that contain new versions.

To put à update the packages for Ubuntu APT based system, you need to type the following command line: $ sudo apt update. Then press the "Enter" key to execute the instruction in the terminal.

Apply package updates

After updating the list of packages, you should apply package updates available in order to keep the old packages and update only those that need them.

To apply the updates of the package, type in the Ubuntu terminal: $ sudo apt upgrade then press the "Enter" key.

Install the package or program in Ubuntu from the terminal

If you want to install packages or programs, it is necessary to use a command which is responsible for indicating the main package and APT searches for dependencies . To do this, write the following syntax: $ sudo apt install package_name where "package_name" is the actual name of the main package you want to install.

APT will search for all necessary dependencies and ask for confirmation to install the packages on the system. You can install multiple packages at the same time by separating each of their names with a blank space.

What should I do if I don't know the real name of the package?

If you know the real name of the package you want to install, you can use this syntax: $ sudo apt list –parameter. The "parameter" should be changed to –upgradable so that you can see the list of packages that can be updated .

You can also locate a specific package with the command: $ sudo apt search package_name. The system will show you a list of results associated with your search term.

Receive more information before installing packages or programs in Ubuntu from Terminal

If you want some know more about a specific package , use the command: $ apt show package_name. With it, you will get relevant information about the dependency of this package on others, as well as those that might generate conflicts after its installation. Finally, don't forget to optimize and clean up your linux system with Stacer and Bleachbit . Thus, you will notice that your team will perform better.

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