
How to enlarge or increase the screen size on my Windows PC and Mac

The way we see the components of applications and other elements of the PC screen is relative. Some users prefer a small interface and a high screen resolution while others need to know  how to enlarge or increase screen size on my windows pc and mac by because of visual difficulties or simply for particular tastes.

Display settings

La screen configuration is a section of the operating system that allows you to change the brightness, color of applications, change the size of text, images, screen resolution as well as the orientation of the screen according to the 'user preferences.

Systems operating systems such as Windows, Mac and Android allow users of easily customize the interface de command to view details images or for any visual impairment.

The zoom level

Zoom is a tool offered by various applications to increase the size of the images displayed on the screen as a percentage. Le Sailor Website Google Chrome , for example, offers this option in order to maximize, reduce or display a full screen as the user chooses.

In addition, you can display a personalized message when starting Windows 10 by adding more originality to the interface of your system. This tool, like Zoom, is generally very useful when multiple users access the same computer from different user accounts.

How can we enlarge or increase the screen size on my Windows PC and Mac?

If recently you have had problems with display screen elements of your Windows PC and Mac, you should read the procedure where we explain how you can fix this little problem quickly and easily after you configure the screen properties .

Increase the screen size on my Windows PC

In order to enlarge the screen size in Windows, you can use the "Ctrl" key and move the mouse wheel up. Immediately you will see that the size of the icons and text will increase as it changes the zoom level. Another way to enlarge the screen size is to press the "Ctrl" key and the "+" key.

You can also right click on the desktop and select " Display settings «. In the new window, change the size of text, apps, and other items. You can even change the screen resolution and orientation if you want.

Increase screen size when browsing the internet

If you want to increase the size of the items you see on websites, you can use the options offered by Google Chrome. Click on the three dots at the top right of the window and locate "Zoom." Press the small “´ +” button to increase the a level de zoom meeting of the screen which is set to 100% by default.

Increase screen size on my PC Mac

To enlarge the screen size on a Mac PC, you must follow a procedure similar to that required in Windows. To do this, simultaneously press the "Option" + "Apple" keys next to the "+" key. This will activate the magnify function. If your PC asks you to activate this function, all you have to do is press the "Option" + "Apple" keys and press "*".

Do you need to enlarge the screen size on your smartphone?

It is possible to enlarge the screen size on a Smartphone. If you have Android, you will need to go to the configuration or settings of the device and select the option "Display". Then locate the section " Screen zoom Or "Screen size" and hold the increment indicator "+" depressed until you can see the size of your preference.

On the other hand, if you have iOS, look for the "General" option in the settings de l ' apparatus . Then click on "Accessibility" and choose "Zoom". Activate the function, tap the screen with two fingers and move them apart to change the zoom level.

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