
How to change and configure DNS on iOS and Android? - Quick and easy

Since the beginning of Internet interconnections, it has never been thought that by simply clicking on your cellphone, you could connect anywhere in the world in seconds.

But although it seems simple, it hides a great complexity for its perfect functioning. In the next tutorial we will explain how to change and configure DNS on iOS and Android? Fast and easy.

But before we start with this article, we must first know what a DNS is, it is the acronym in English. of Domain Name System. And thanks to it, you can know what is the IP adress of a specific area. So we can find any site that we type into the search engine.

In this opportunity we will know how to change and configure DNS on iOS and Android? Quick and easy . But it is convenient that you at least learn how change and configure the DNS on Windows, MacOS and Linux. If you want to know how this is done on these devices.

How to change and configure DNS on iOS and Android?

So in order for a web search to be done there has to be a synchronization between three important aspects that they are. The DNS client, this one is installed on our devices and with which it makes the request. Then there is the DNS server , which is responsible for responding to the request and finally there is the authority zone where the domains (.net, .es, .com, etc.) are located.

This synchronization must be carried out in an extremely fast time, we speak of milliseconds. And the faster this process, the faster it will deliver the page or site we are looking for. So if we have a Fast DNS , you already know what that would entail and that's why we can change it through apps or manually.

There are popular or well-known DNS, among which we can highlight Google and, Alternate DNS and - Cloudflare and - OpenDNS Home and 208.67. 220.220.

Although it may not seem the case, change and configure DNS under iOS and Android is a simple task, then we'll tell you what to do. First of all, we are going to start with Android devices and for that we are going to go to the Settings section. In this window we click on the Networks and Internet option, then we will switch to WiFi.

Now in this section we are going to look for the name of the network that our mobile is using and we keep pressing until the menu appears. In it we will select the Modify network option, this action will generate more options to appear and we select the advanced options. Then we will choose the Static option in the IP settings .

The next thing will be to place the number Google DNS , this we will do as an example, you can use the one you want the most. So in DNS 1 field we will put and in DNS 2 we will write then click on Save button. And there it is, in a very simple way we changed and configured DNS on Android.

How to change and configure DNS in iOS?

Now we need to do the change and setup on the devices that work with iOS system, and we will use Google DNS again. Remember you can use whatever you want from the list we have given you or you can find another one. To start this operation we will go to Settings, then in this window we will select WiFi.

Here we will see the network we are connecting with from our phone and we will see an “i” next to it, we have to click on it. Then we will select the option Configure DNS , here in this section we are going to change the automatic mode to manual mode. Later we will select Add Server and write the codes.

In the primary DNS we put, we select again Add a server and now we write in the secondary DNS and finally we click on the option Save changes. There you go, we have also completed the DNS setup on iOS devices. And so we conclude this tutorial that I you learn How to change and configure DNS on iOS and Android?

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