
How to fix error loading operating system not found

When we have an electronic device, we are not exempt from the errors that may arise with its use, because it suffer , over the time , a few setbacks, most of which can be repaired.

One of the most representative and visible errors that we can find on some computers is "Loading error your PC's operating system Which usually appears after a new Windows XP system has been installed and begins with an action of Falling back into our system.

The common thing is that while the machine is starting its boot process, BIOS and CMOS on the computer begin to check the hardware of the said system as well as that of the operating system.

The usual thing is that once something starts to go wrong, the BIOS and CMOS will not go through the normal booting process of your operating system, because for this reason it is not possible to access the Windows desktop.

However, from other versions of Windows , such as Windows Vista or even Windows 7 , will not have the same warning system and therefore this message may not be displayed to you.

If the initial problem you are having with your PC is the fact of not being able to load the Windows Vista or Windows 7 system without this message appearing, you will only have to start trying the "Initial Repair" option which is performed with the Windows installation disc .

What is the reason for this error appearing?

There are three main reasons why this error can appear on your computer, which are important to consider if you want to perform the correct repair:

  1. It is possible that the BIOS inside the motherboard is not compatible with the size or, failing that, with the configuration of the unit which has the Hard disk.
  2. Check that the hard drive settings are correct for the CMOS .
  3. If you have created any type of partitions inside the hard drive, it is possible that there is an error inside, which makes it impossible to install it correctly.

Steps to resolve the issue with the error?

  • First configure BIOS and CMOS appropriately

One of the main reasons for this problem are causes 1 and 2 which we have placed at the beginning of the article, for this reason one of the most common solutions logical is to perform a full BIOS update on your motherboard.

All this by performing this action manually on your computer or, failing that, by doing it through the manufacturer's website, where you can find small tutorials to complete this task.

Likewise, you have to go to the configuration CMOS , in order to make sure that your hard drive has been detected correctly and that at the same time the » Access mode Is changed in Large or LBA in order to add support for the large capacity of the hard drive.

  • Starts to troubleshoot hard drive partition issues

When a disk partition is created, the most common is that this error comes from a badly created partition on the hard drive, because from there a large amount of errors will come from the load of the operating system.

You could fix all these errors that result from this operating system load with the PowerSuite Golden app , which offers its users a graphical interface , easy to access and will help you solve all this problem.

It contains some basic tutorials which are ideal for performing the task of reparation and recovery of the system, so that you don't feel lost at all times.

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