
How can I calculate the letter of the electronic DNI and what is the DNIe used for?

One of the most important and useful documents a person can have in the world is the electronic DNI or also known as DNI-E . This is an identification tool, which in addition to having its physical version, it is also possible to obtain a version PRESENCE .

Beyond the advantages and usefulness that this tool represents, as the search or identification of people by name and first name , because it allows you to quickly locate people via the Internet. Well, for this there is an important element that a lot of people do not know and are the letters of it.

If you are wondering why, know that every letter in your login has an alphabetical value, which is usually found at the end of each identification number.

These have the way they work as a verifier, in this way the authority makes sure that the number before it is real and therefore correct, as they are not placed at random. There are different methods with which you can check and extract said letter and that is what we are going to teach you in this article.

What does the electronic DNI consist of and what are the advantages it offers in Spain?

The DNI-E is known as the electronic version of your national identity document, which allows the authority to verify various data of identity and, likewise, to be able to perform various processes on the Internet.

To a certain extent, many see the DNI as a digital signature, which has the possibility of allowing you to carry out various legal steps with the corresponding agencies such as the Treasure ou social Security.

Among the many advantages of this document, it is important to say that it even helps you with certain financial institutions, so that they can verify your data, and thus facilitate the exchange of information. Better yet, you can renew DNI electronic certificates whenever you want .

How to check and calculate the letter DNI

If you are here to calculate the letter of the DNI-E , you shouldn't worry or do a lot of head-turning, because it is one of the easiest tasks in the world.

The rule for this is simple, you just need to divide your ID number and depending on the number that remains, a letter may be assigned to you.

However, it is important that you know that these letters tend to vary and are not listed alphabetically. Here is a list to guide you on this:

  • If the remainder is 0, the letter T.
  • If the remainder is 1, the letter R.
  • If the remainder is 2, the letter W.
  • If the remainder is 3, the letter A.
  • If the remainder is 4, the letter G.
  • If the remainder is 5, the letter M matches.
  • If the remainder is 6, the letter Y matches.
  • If the remainder is 7, the letter F.
  • If the remainder is 8, the letter P.
  • If the remainder is 9, the letter D.
  • If the remainder is 10, the letter X matches.
  • If the remainder is 11, the letter B.
  • If the remainder is 12, the letter N.
  • If the remainder is 13, the letter J.
  • If the remainder is 14, the letter Z matches.
  • If the remainder is 15, the letter S.
  • If the remainder is 16, the letter Q matches.
  • If the remainder is 17, the letter V matches.
  • If the remainder is 18, the letter H matches.
  • If the remainder is 19, the letter L.
  • If the remainder is 20, the letter C matches.
  • If the remainder is 21, the letter K.
  • If the remainder is 22, the letter E matches.

And what about foreigners? Expats residing in Spain have a Company Tax Code composed of a letter which can be X, Y or Z, a 7-digit number and a control code. The latter is determined in the same way as the letter of the DNI; dividing it By 23 and depending on the result, a unique code is determined.

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