
How to download and share files in the cloud for free

If you have a large number of photos, videos, movies, music, and documents on your computer, but your hard drive no longer has the capacity to store more files; the solution is to create a cloud and save all your files there. In this article you will learn how to download and share files for free in the cloud .

What is the cloud?

It’s a server to store documents , films , videos, gallery or any type of information. It was created for everyone; because it is an easy to use tool that allows you to easily access your files anytime from any device.

There are different platforms that allow you to store files for free, these are Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive. But we may wonder what are the best cloud storage services .

Well, for this article we will choose Google Drive because the benefits it offers are numerous; for example, his storage capacity is very good in the free version and file sharing is very easy. You can also access your documents from any device.

Therefore, we will show you how to upload and share files in cloud using Google Drive. In addition, you can even share files or folders from Google Drive by having them in the cloud.

Steps to upload files to the cloud for free

  1. You need to sign in to your Google Drive account.
  2. Once logged in, go to the menu on the left side of the screen and click on the option "+ New" , where a tab with different options will be displayed.
  3. In this tab you must choose "Download the file" ou "Download the file"
  4. A window will open where all the documents, videos, movies and series that you have stored on your PC will appear; select the file you want download and click "OK".
  5. After choosing the desired file, a pop-up window will open; at the bottom right of the screen. This window will allow you to view the upload process for the file you have chosen to upload to the cloud.
  6. After performing these steps, the file will be immediately stored in your cloud.

If you have a file with a specific name in your cloud, but want to upload another document or folder with the same name that already exists in the cloud, Google Drive allows you to do so. What you need to do is follow the above steps (steps 1-5), then you need to click "Keep as separate file". When finished, you can even download easily photos from Google Drive cloud .

Steps to share files in the cloud for free

Google Drive allows you to share files, you can also allow the people you share a file with to edit, comment or just view the document.

  1. You need to sign in with your Gmail account.
  2. Right click on the file , the spreadsheet or the information you want to share; A menu will appear and you will need to choose the option "+ Share" .
  3. A window will open immediately in which you will have to enter the emails people with whom you want to share this information. Also at the bottom right is the word “Advanced”, by clicking there you can give each email the option to edit, comment or see what you have shared.
  4. In the “Add Note” tab, you can write some kind of comment for the recipient of the file, but this is optional. press the "Send" button , so that documents are shared.

Points of interest

  • In order to share files in Google Drive, it is essential to have a Gmail email .
  • You can share multiple files at the same time ; To do this, press the "Shift" key on the keyboard and select all the desired items. Then you click on "+ Share".
  • You can also share your files publicly with Internet users; Your file will appear on the Internet with your name indicating that you are the owner of that document.

Storing files in a cloud is very secure and allows you to access your information from anywhere with the device of your choice.

You can also use it from many platforms, as it is possible to download a file in the clouds with Skydrive , and many others. Plus, by using a cloud, you avoid overloading your hard drive with files. Start using a cloud today!

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