
How to easily customize and change clock color in Windows 10

Since its inception, the watch has been one of the most important tools in our society. Well, even at its origins, humans noted that it would be important to manage their time well so as not to have to complete tasks around dusk.

This is how that a clock was initially created according to the position of the sun ; that is, the civilizations of the time had to analyze the time it took for the sun to rise in the morning and hide in the evening. In this way, they determined the time they had to work during the day.

Windows understands the importance of this tool, and that's why it has integrated this function and other functions similar in its operating system . Although since its launch in the market, the service has undergone changes according to the advancements of the digital age.

Easily customize and change clock color in Windows 10


Surely you found yourself working from your computer and had the option to keep track of the Windows clock, so you don't miss a specific time; but the importance of this tool goes far beyond what one thinks. Some important functions of the equipment are associated with the watch. If you want, you can customize the clock gadget.

It is for this reason that if the clock does not have the correct time, the same system will take care of asking for the tool adjustment . Even some apps keep a record of the files based on the date and so it is necessary that the time be updated.

The latest versions of the Windows operating system that have been released also have the ability to customize the clock and even change its appearance and color to suit the user's personal taste.

Steps to customize and change clock color in Windows 10

In the settings available for the Windows 10 clock we find the possibility of modify data displayed in the lower left corner of the screen; we can include current date and day and also show other clocks for some countries .

However, Windows 10 does not have an application or program specifically responsible for changing the color of the clock, so it will be necessary to use some organized applications for this problem.

One of the ideal apps to be able to change the clock color in Windows 10 is T-Clock. It turned out to be a great alternative to change the color of our clock, as well as an app for free ; it does not require complex aspects for its configuration.

To obtain the T-Clock software, it is necessary to access the official page of the application. Once there, you can tap on the rectangular icon with the word "Download" ou "Download" to start the download process. At the end. You will find a "configuration" on the desktop. Right click and select "Execute as administrator" .

Later, you can go to the app and make color adjustments in the box. There are different options in T-Clock, but the one we are interested in is called "color" . Click on this section and choose from the wide range of options the color that suits you.

You can also play with other elements to further customize the look of your computer, you can try with your desktop background first. A good idea is to put a colored background that relates to the color you have given to the clock.

Also in the case of "Accentuation" (folders and applications available on the desktop), you can even add a color. In this case, it is advisable to add a color that stands out from the one you have already put on the desktop background and the clock. In this way, you can customize Windows 10 clock without any problem.

Finally, we hope this article has helped you. However, we would like to know your opinion . Were you able to customize and change the clock color in Windows 10? Do you know of any other method to customize and change clock color in Windows 10? Leave us your answers in the comments.

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