
How to fix error memory 0x0000000 could not be read in Windows

Le Windows operating system is a software widely used in many computers and tablets around the world, it is very good for our teams. However, you may encounter system errors, for example the error message "0x00000000 memory can be read" . Well, I have come to the right post because here we explain how to fix this failure with simple and easy steps to perform.

What are the reasons for this error?

Knowing the causes of the “memory cannot be read” error is essential, because this way we clearly know how to deal with it. Next, we indicate 4 possible causes behind the aforementioned error, in Windows 10 take each of them into account.

  • Deficit random access memory , which means that there is little memory on the hard disk which prevents the creation of the paging file or virtual memory.
  • It is possible that the computer contains malware, which may include worm, Trojan virus, spyware which, as you know, are memory-resident computer viruses.
  • Hardware failures, you may have faulty memory modules.
  • A logical resource a malfunctioned  by a program or application running at the same time as others.

As you will see, there are several possible reasons for the error 0x00000000, the memory cannot be read, however we will show you how to solve it.

General Solutions to Fix Memory Read Error

The corrections that we will bring to you below are verified and carried out by professionals in the field of IT.

  • Check the computer's memory modules.

To perform this action, you will need a specific program to perform a complete examination of the system or memory operation. For example, you can use the software MemTest86+ who performs a detailed examination and deepened your computer's RAM.

  • Check if there is any virus or malware on the system causing errors.

It is essential that you search your computer for errors due to a virus hosted on the system the source of the error. Thanks to the fact that Windows 10 has built-in quality defense, you will be able to perform a deep scan for possible malware.

Installing an antivirus to help your computer may be a good idea, but Windows Defender will suffice.

  • Analyze the configuration of the Windows 10 operating system. 

If when opening a folder with a lot of media files, the error is due to a content extraction error  running Windows. This results in a considerable decrease in the speed of the processor and the general system of the computer. 

If you realize that this is due to a specific application, uninstall the program and reinstall it to verify that the error has been fixed. 

Alternative options to correct error 0x00000000 Memory cannot be read

  • Clean your computer's hard drive.

A way of clean hard drive is to use the tools than Windows 10 offers for this purpose, mainly to free up space.

  1. Enter into Windows search engine and type "Disk Cleanup" and click on this tool.
  2. A small box appears where the section is "Files that can be deleted."
  3. There you will select the content to delete, for example. “Temporary files” “Windows error reports and diagnostics” among others.
  4. Once you have selected what you want to erase, hit the "Clean up system files" button. 
  5. This will ask you to confirm if you want to delete these files , and you will click on "OK".
  6. Later, the system will delete the selected files, and that's it.

  • Add or add RAM.

Adding RAM memory to your computer is, as a last resort, to avoid the message that the memory cannot be read, that way you can add more modules . This is intended to help the system run with better performance and to prevent future problems. 

We hope you find this educational and intuitive article very useful, and this article will further expand your knowledge when using your computer. 

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