Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity: How to start Scholarhip Edition

When you sign up for a scholarship, the scholarship program will provide you with a fully configured account. Even if so, there are still a few steps you can take to prepare:

  • Configure your ronin wallet
  • Start playing

Create your portfolio


Step 1 - Create your MetaMask portfolio

To start the game, you will need to configure a MetaMask wallet . There are many guides on how to properly set up and manage your wallet.

Here is a video that explains step by step:

The scholarship program will send the SLPs you earn to your wallet address. It means that you need to create your own Ronin wallet before you can join a scholarship program.

If the scholarship program doesn't ask you for a wallet address, that's a big red flag! DO NOT join the program if you are not asked to create a portfolio.

Step 1 - Set up a Ronin Wallet

Ronin is a side chain of the Ethereum network. You will have 100 free transactions per day and the wallet is optimized for the game. Ronin's wallet shows the game tokens: WETH, AXS and SLP. The wallet also displays your ERC-721 or NFT tokens for Axies, Land Plots and Land Items.

Download the Ronin Wallet for Google Chrome ou Firefox .

Note that the Ronin wallet is compatible with a Trezor hardware wallet and that you can add multiple addresses under one account (seed phrase).

Step 2 - Open an account with Binance

If at any time you want to transfer your money from SLP, ETH or AXS to cash, you will need to use a platform like Binance, CoinbaseEtc.


Here is a video that explains how open an account on Binance :

Start playing Axie Infinity

The scholarship program will provide you with the email and the word de pass to start the session, or a QR code if you play from your mobile.

Download the game on the Website by Axie Infinity by clicking on "Play Now". The app is called “Mavis Hub”.

Can you log on with e-mail address and password, or use the QR code if you are playing on mobile.

Once you're in the game, start by syncing your Axies from the account. Go to "Axies" at the bottom left of the screen and click on "Synchronize Axie".

Return to the main menu once your Axies are synced.

Select "teams" from the menu at the bottom left and click on "new team". Enter a team name and select the Axies you want to use for this team.

Position your Axies wisely! Positioning is very important, as the Axes in front will be the first to be hit by the enemy team.

You can now jump straight into the adventures (PVE) or the arena (PVP). If you win an Adventure or Arena match, you will be rewarded with (SLP).

Consult our guide on how to get SLP efficiently .

You will not be able to claim the SLP you earn in the game. SLPs will be claimed by the scholarship program and sent to your portfolio.

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