
Meet Dragonary, The Next BOOM Of Blockchain-Based Games To Make Money

Today we bring another interesting project with which to earn money and have fun at the same time. We are talking about dragonary, a Blockchain-based game, developed by the guys at Latin American Coinary. Dragonary is a Play To Earn game, or what is the same, a game where we will get paid for every minute we play. We will be rewarded for our mere participation.   Unlike other titles we have put on the web, such as plant vs undead Dragonary is free and we won't need any investment to start playing and making money. It is easily accessible on a PC, laptop, Mac or any Android and iOS mobile device. The game economy is defined between players. This means that all items that are part of the in-game market, such as items and titles, are tradable. So if you buy an item today, you can sell it tomorrow. If this item was consumed to upgrade a dragon, that dragon will increase in quality and therefore in value.

Everything is connected, so every action of buying, selling or consuming is transformed, not lost, by adopting the theory that nothing disappears, but everything is transformed. The main goal of the team is for us to feel the excitement of progressing to a goal, and without realizing it, to receive a reward for all the time spent improving and evolving each of the dragons, even if we are not an experienced player in the cryptocurrency world. These rewards received in the form of items will be tokens, which can be used in the game, traded in the market with other players, or sold on a market of cryptocurrency as binance. Our dragons are the maximum expression of our efforts in the game, which we will be able to train, level up, evolve and improve the bloodline, to obtain unique, rare, epic, legendary and mythical dragons. These will not only be achievements that we will be proud of, but we will also be able to face them in real time against other players in a PVP arena, and so try to become the best of all.

What does Dragonary offer?

Dragonary offers two types of combat: the PVE (Player vs Environment) and the PVP (Player vs Player), where we can get items and tokens (CYT) that will allow us to advance in the game, and develop the economy. The team promises to continue to working with the community to make the styles of play even better in the future.

The game has 7 different elements (roles), each with unique abilities that will need to be considered when building a team. The elemental balance of the dragons will be essential to advance in the PVE and PVP missions.

Please note: Dragonary will continue to add new items in the big updates, 2 new items are expected every year.

Earth Element: The Reservoir

  • Innate ability: reduces all damage taken by 10%
  • Active capacity: generates a shield for 5 sec or until broken. All basic attacks (not abilities) are forced to hit this dragon. All offensive abilities deal double damage to the shield.

Element of Fire: Physical DPS

  • Innate ability: increases the damage of basis by 10% when Dragon is in the first row
  • Active skill: launches a fireball at an enemy in the front row, damaging them, also dealing 50% of that damage to an enemy behind them (in the last row)

Air Element: The Primary Healer

  • Innate ability: increases damage healed by 10%
  • Active capacity: heal up to 3 dragons

Electric element: DPS range

  • Innate ability: increases all damage by 5%
  • Active skill: send thunder at your enemies, with a fixed percentage of jumps towards another enemy up to 3 times.

Plant element: multi-role

  • Innate ability: increases base health and damage by 5%
  • Active skill: Deals damage to 2 dragons and entangles them for 5 sec, slowing their attack speed by 50%

Water Element: Relief

  • Innate ability: create a protective shield that prevents damage to healed dragons (this shield does not force enemy attacks)
  • Active capacity: heals a single dragon for a moderate amount.

Ice Element: DPS Control

  • Capacity innate: increases the health and damage of capacity
  • Active skill: Deals damage and freezes an enemy in place for 5 seconds.

Difference in capacity improvement

The "innate abilities" increase with the rarity of the dragon. For example: A regular earth dragon reduces damage taken by 10%, while a rare earth dragon reduces damage by 14%. The "active skills" improve with the level of the dragon's base at different checkpoints.


6 different rarities have been announced, aimed at keeping the gaming economy sustainable.

The first 2 rarities are common et rares, all dragons with this rarity will be virtual items, which means you won't be able to buy or sell them in the market, but they will be vital for getting better rarity dragons. Rare, Epic, Legendary and Mythical, will be considered as NFT (non-Fongible Tokens), all dragons with this rarity will be tradable on the market Coinary Hub. All rarities will be available for all dragons and will also apply to other in-game items, allowing them to be considered NFTs and trade with them in the market.

Level limit:

The maximum level of a dragon will vary depending on its rarity.

  • Common: level 20
  • Rare: level 40
  • Rare: level 60
  • Epic: level 60
  • Legendary / Mythic: Level 100

Dragons will also evolve / grow at different control levels depending on their rarity, gain, and small buff to their base stats.

Other details of Dragonary

Breeding dragons

Each player will start with three common dragons, but the goal is to progress through the game and complete the missions, earning better rewards each time. Yes, the breeding system is essential for producing new and better dragons that can be used in battle or traded in the market as NFT dragons (from rare rarity dragons and beyond) In Dragonary, you will have two ways to breed new dragons: creating eggs by mixing dragons and merging high rarity dragons. Either way, the result will be an egg that will hatch within hours.

Power system

In the game, each mission (except the story mode) will consume more or less energy. This energy will be limited to 10 energy points. Every 20 minutes, 1 energy point is recharged.

In story mode, players will be able to play without limits. However, they will only get experience for their dragons. It will be possible to recharge energy in FIAT currency, or its equivalent in Coinary Token, but there is a limitation. They've created an anti-pay-2-fast system, where each energy recharge made by players dramatically increases the price of the next recharge. This price will be reset every 24 hours.

My personal opinion is that this is essentially a P2F, quite expensive, but P2F after all, as much as it is said to be limited.

  1. $ 1,99 USD
  2. $ 3,99
  3. 7,99 $
  4. $ 15,99
  5. 31,99 $
  6. $ 63,99
  7. $ 127,99
  8. $ 255,99
  9. $ 511,99 USD

the islands

In Dragonary, dragons are independent beings who very rarely live in community. They love having large caves with enough space to store the treasures they get through history and battles. For dragons, the most precious thing they own are treasures, so they live and sleep for those treasures. Because of this, the islands will play a fundamental role that could change the way we know Dragonary.

Each team can have an island with different caves where the dragons will live, guarding their treasures and protecting them from fierce enemies. The islands will be NFTs which can be traded in the market at any time. The islands are limited and will be distributed through a public sale to all Dragonary players. For now, it is expected that there will be up to 5 islands throughout Dragonary. 000 islands will be managed by the Dragonary development team.

Price per island

Most of the islands will be sold at a fixed price. However, some will be auctioned. The prices will be published a few days before the sale. There is no estimated date for the presale yet. The release date of the new game mode is expected in the second half of 2022.

How to buy CYT?

CYTs, for now, can only be purchased at apeswap, via an IAO: Initial Ape Offerings. You will first need to have the Meta Mask wallet installed and have a Binance account to buy the BNB token or go to apeswap to buy GNANA. MetaMask can be downloaded on Chrome and Firefox, or on iOS and Android if you are a mobile user.

  1. Download MetaMask  and follow the installation instructions (record the start sentences very well).
  2. Create a  Binance account  to be able to buy the BNB token.
  3. Add the Smart Chain network to MetaMask
  4. On Binance, you can buy BNB directly in euros or dollars with different payment methods. Once purchased, you will need to remove them from your MetaMask wallet with the Smart Chain network enabled.
  5. We will go on https://apeswap.finance/iao and proceed with the purchase.

Details of the offer to the IAO

  • Offer to IAO: 110 CYT - These tokens will be sold on ApeSwap using BNB and / or GNANA
  • Start time: Saturday August 7 at 16:00 p.m. UTC
  • Token price: $ 0,01 per CYT $ (paid with BNB or GNANA)
  • Duration: 12 hours (Everyone has the chance to participate!)
  • Blocking period: 25% of the tokens are released immediately at the end of the IAO, while the remaining 75% will be released within the 3 month period (25% each month).

After the IAO offer, we can get the CYT token on https://app.apeswap.finance/swap en making an exchange. For more information, visit the Official website.


  • Download the game (version 1.8):
  • To connect, use this URL: https://hub.coinary.com/login-desktop
  • Read the white paper on the official website before investing.
  • It is recommended that you raise the starting dragons to level 16 before embarking on any energy-wasting ember quests.
  • It is recommended to repeat mission 3 continuously until the initial dragons are raised to level 20. (It takes several hours).
  • You must collect 1000 Obsidian per day to receive daily CYT rewards based on your account level.
  • STARTER PACKS are purchased on https://hub.coinary.com/ ( OUT OF STOCK)
  • As in any game of this type, don't expect to make money without investing. The return depends on the investment made and with free dragons you will have virtually no benefit.
  • CYTs are in Meta Mask, to use them you will need to pass them to https://hub.coinary.com/dashboard your address is in the right corner next to the language button. The address only supports CYT-BNB-USDT-BUSD-USDC on Binance Smart Chain Network (BEP20).

  • With 5 rare dragons, the count is rare even if you have 100 rare or common. 1 epic is worth 5 rare.
  • Common dragons go up to level 20, rare up to 40 (from 20 to 20 to legendary)
  • Obsidian is obtained by playing and winning in Ember
  • The packs do not open yet, it will be soon (today or tomorrow), it does not influence, we are all the same
  • Sometimes the energy is depleted and it goes to 0, restart the game, similarly, if they really used it, 1 is charged every 20 minutes.
  • Entering and removing CYT from the Hub is slow (very slow), it will probably fix it soon.
  • If I have 3 Common Dragons and 3 Rare Dragons my count is RARE. READ THE WHITE PAPER.
  • Have your dragons reached level 20 and you already have 1 Obsidian? You can continue to play Ember to get items.
  • Obsidian is automatically collected when you win at Ember!
  • CYT was not distributed yesterday for obsidian, it is as of 00:00 UTC tomorrow. Every day it is distributed at this time and the obsidian is restarted.
  • If you have 1/000 Obsidian you can't accumulate more, you can keep getting items in Ember, but nothing more.
  • 3 common and 3 uncommon is UNCOMMON. 4 common and 3 uncommon is COMMON
  • To be able to use CYT in the game, you must have it in the Hub!
  • Alchemy / Obsidian resets at 00:00 UTC
  • Starter pack purchase ended due to oversold, if they want to buy again it will be on the market in about 10 days
  • The accumulated obsidian is seen in "the cave"
  • Common and Uncommon Dragons are virtual, they are not NFTS, other rarities are NFT and they will be able to be bought and sold in the market.


Distribution of token mining

Dragonary should be free to play, but to boost the in-game economy, they're looking for a way to reward higher account rarities with more currency tokens. Therefore, the higher rank in rarity gets more tokens.

The rarity of the account is based on the number of dragons of a rarity you have in the account. At this time, it is not known how many CYTs they give for 1 Obsidians, it depends on the number of players by account rarity.

To give you an idea, today, with a rare account, I get 66.1619 CYT per day which translates to approx 20 € per day depending on the price of the token. Pool accounts (free to play) barely receive CYTs daily and will draw around $ 6 or $ 7 per month.

Account scarcity Percent to distribute

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