
How to Make Your Own Telegram Stickers

Telegram Stickers are a universe of their own, with people having full conversations over cool graphics, unwanted memes, or movie quotes. And this is only possible because Telegram allows you to create yours.

The best thing is that you don't have to have a developer account or go through a long and painful exam. You just send images to a robot and that's it.

So if you're planning on doing something with all the jokes you and your friends from work have racked up, follow this guide on how to make your own Telegram stickers.

First step: design your stickers

You don't have to be a graphic designer to create Telegram stickers. If so, that's great. Another free way to promote your art. But if it doesn't, don't let that stop you. Some of the best Telegram stickers are fun meme-like designs bundled together from quotes and photos. Your basic design skills will be enough to do this.

The stickers you create must meet unified design requirements. These are super simple:

  • Telegram stickers should be PNG images with a transparent background, 512 × 512 pixels.
  • Each sticker should be a separate image file. They are easier to design and download on desktop than mobile, so you can use Telegram for Mac, Telegram for Windows, or Telegram Web.
  • Your sticker pack icon is optional. If you want to have one, design a 100 × 100 PNG image with a transparent layer.

It is important to understand that using items such as movie quotes to create your stickers is copyright infringement. Yes, that's exactly how memes are created, but unlike a meme, your creations are subject to removal from Telegram if the copyright owner complains. That being said, it seems like there isn't a copyright check when you upload your designs.

The average Telegram package includes 10-20 stickers, but you aren't limited to how much you want to load. Some packs contain over 100 stickers, and you can keep coming back and adding new ones even after they're released.

Step two: find the Telegram sticker bot

Once your own Telegram creations are ready to go, look for the Telegram sticker bot. Open Telegram and type "stickers" in the search box. Click on the chat and you will see the list of commands you can use:

/ newpack to create a new Telegram sticker pack.

/ addsticker to add a sticker to an existing package.

/ delsticker to remove a sticker from a package.

/ ordersticker to rearrange the stickers in a package.

/ stats to get usage statistics for a specific sticker.

/ top to see the best stickers in your pack.

/ packstats to get usage statistics for a skin pack.

/ packtop to see your best packages.

/ cancel to cancel any command you just used.

Click Start to open the chat and start configuring your skin pack.

Step three: upload them to Telegram

This Telegram bot makes it easy to upload and publish your designs. Here's what you need to do:

  • Type the command / newpack and press Enter.
  • The bot will ask you for the name of your package. Write the name and send it.
  • Now click on the File icon to upload your first sticker. It is important that you download it as a file and not as a photo. If you use the camera icon, the bot will reject the image.
  • The bot will ask you to assign an emoji to your sticker. Choose an emoji that best matches the sticker and press Enter to send it. You can assign some, but Telegram doesn't recommend more than two emojis per design.
  • Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each Telegram sticker you want to add.
  • When you're done, type the / publish command and send it.
  • If you want to add an icon to your package, upload it as if you uploaded the rest of the images and send it to the bot. If you don't have an icon, just send the / skip command, and your first sticker will become an icon for that pack.
  • Finally, send the bot a short name for your sticker pack to use in your URL.

And voilà! Click the link to your Telegram sticker pack to see what it all looks like. If you have more than 10, you can scroll through them.

Start sending them by telegram

Telegram does not have a sticker store or any other way for people to explore all of the existing ones. This means that your package will collect dust until you and your friends start sending the stickers.

When you click on your package URL, you will see two ways to start sharing them on Telegram.

Share: This will forward your package link to a contact or Telegram group of your choice.

Add Stickers: This will add the pack to your collection, so that you can send individual stickers to your Telegram contacts. Your friends can view and add the package by tapping on the tag you sent. This is how they spread.

More reasons to start using Telegram

The stickers would be enough on their own to get rid of other messaging apps, in favor of Telegram. But there are more reasons why Telegram is the only app you need.

From secret chats to being able to correct typos in messages you've already sent, Telegram has tons of features you'll likely use.

Take the example of Telegram robots. These simple assistants can help you with just about anything, there's even a robot that reminds you to straighten your back every 30 minutes.

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