Social Networks

How to activate camera and microphone in Facebook Windows? | PC video call

Many Facebook users have encountered failures when camera and microphone activation for video calls to from Windows 10. This can happen because the person has not made sure that the devices are properly connected to the PC.

It is precisely for these disadvantages that people prefer download or download Zoom and l' preferably used for video calls .

For the alternatives, no one is lacking, even today it is possible to make video calls from WhatsApp. Although that does not mean that the problem of Facebook does not have a solution.

Il peut have go through a configuration problem , both individual and general of the items in question, and therefore they can not be used. Fortunately, this is a situation that is reversible and manageable by the user by following a few simple steps which will be illustrated below.

Enable camera and microphone for video calls in Windows 10

To be able to make a video call from Facebook, it is necessary to authorize or give permission to the camera and microphone so that they can be used .

If this is not done, a recurring error will appear on the screen during the call which will indicate that you do not have access to these two devices, so it is advisable to follow the steps in this guide.

Enable microphone for Facebook in Windows 10

Enabling the camera and microphone for video calls is essential, but cannot be done at the same time, so in this step it will be done with the audio device first.

The first thing to do is to check that the element is connected and recognized by the system, to do this, go to the control panel.

Also, you need to locate the search bar Windows at the bottom left and write the words " Control panel ».


As a result, this will display the icon of the segment that is requested and then it must be selected with the pointer to continue. This way it will take us to a pop-up window with several icons, we have to locate the one called " Hardware and sound «.

When you click, a pop-up section will be displayed where you have to choose the second tab that says " Save “, In this will be the peripherals linked to this action. Make sure the device model is visible and also has a symbol shiso « Vérifier ».

This will happen if it's enabled, but it might not be, in which case the icon will be transparent, but it can be enabled by right-clicking and selecting " Enable ».

Give permission to the microphone

Knowing that the audio device is connected, permissions should now be given from the security section of Windows settings. This is done by selecting the start icon found on the taskbar, in the upper left corner represented by four squares.

There you must select the option " Configuration «. Then choose " Safety »Represented by the symbol of a small padlock. Thus, a pop-up window will be displayed with a side menu in which there are different choices related to the segment.

Look for the one that says " Microphone And press it with the mouse pointer to display the settings options for it.


Then there are two alternatives, the first is to enable it or give permissions for all items that require the use of the microphone.

The second option is to find the browser where Facebook usually opens in the list that appears at the bottom and activate it individually.

Enable and grant camera permissions in Windows 10

The process of activation of the camera and microphone for video calls cannot be complete without the video element, you just need to follow the same process.

In the section " Safety » , accessible by pressing " Start "And selecting" Settings », The same can be done with the camera

In the sidebar, just above " Microphone "Is the option" Camera Which, when selected, will have the same setting options.

As in the previous step, you just have to activate it in general, or check that it is accessible to the browser where you want make the video call.

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