Social Networks

How to save a Facebook album to a USB drive

As you may already know,  Facebook is a huge library that has photos you uploaded and these are organized into albums. And on this platform, you have a great backup when the photos you had saved accidentally deleted from your mobile or PC. For this reason, we want to show you how save a Facebook album to a USB stick.

Of course, this option is very well received if you are one of the users who maintains your Facebook at jour and edit all the photos you take with your mobile.

But he did not take the precaution of make a copy . Now he has them on the social network and he doesn't know how to download them from there and transfer them to a USB stick.

We are learning functions or options that are not at all new, but since you have never been faced with such a dilemma, now it is necessary to know them. And it might seem a bit complicated to save your photos to a USB device, but you might be interested in the  ordering and organizing your photos at    from a Facebook album.

How to save a Facebook album to a USB drive

The function or option that we are going to use in this opportunity is to download the album and once done we will transfer it from the local drive of the PC to the USB memory.

Something simpler than that I don't think you can find and we will tell you what are the simple steps for save a Facebook album to a USB stick.

The process itself is very simple to do and what we're going to do is download album or albums photo that we choose on the platform and save them on our computer.

We can do this as many times as we need and the length of the process will depend on how many frames the album has, so let's get started.

Steps to save Facebook album to USB drive

The first thing we need to do is log into our account Facebook like we do every day. Once we have logged in and are on our profile home page. We are going to be in the upper menu and select the Photos option, once this action is performed, we will choose the view by Album.

The next step is to locate the album that we want to download completely, which they whether or not they are labeled and you need to enter it, the next thing you need to do is go to the Album Options icon.

Here you will find and select the option Download album , with this option we will download the album with all the photos it contains directly to the PC.

Then it will show you a message, where it will tell you that the upload process may take several minutes, depending on the number of photos and their weight.

Once the download of this album is complete, you can do the same with the next one if you want to download all the albums contained in your Facebook page .

All these photos will be downloaded to your hard drive at the location you specify, once you have them there you just need to place your USB key in the port of your PC.

And the next thing you will do is transfer this file to memory and you will have the problem that was presented to you at the beginning of this article, if possible make a copy of your photos to avoid future setbacks.

As you might have understood, this is a fabulous option that Facebook gives us because it knows that it is a huge photo library and saves them forever.

So if it is necessary to retrieve a photo from this platform, apply the arrived that we show you here. And in a few minutes you will be able to save a Facebook album to a USB stick.

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