Social Networks

How to easily delete all old Facebook messages

You are viewing your Facebook profile and you are ashamed of certain messages (videos, photos, pictures or messages) that you have downloaded in the past; you wish delete your profile picture from PC , but you don't know what to do. In this article we will explain how to easily delete all old Facebook messages .

How to easily delete all old Facebook messages from PC?

There are two ways to delete all old Facebook messages, one is in the section "Activity log" and the other is "Previous articles" .

  • Activity register:

The activity log section shows you a list of all the posts and activities you have done since opening your Facebook account to date.

  1. Log in to your Facebook account by entering the email and password.
  2. When you are on your account home page, go to the top right corner and tap a down arrow icon .
  3. When a small menu appears, select "Activity log" .
  4. When the “Activity Log” tab opens, you will see on the left side of the screen a side menu called “Filters”, in the middle a list with all the activities you have done on Facebook and at the top at right a list with several years going from the most recent year to the oldest.
  5. Click on the year you prefer .
  6. Click on a specific year to view a list of all the posts you uploaded that year to your Facebook account.
  7. At the top right of each article you will find a pencil-shaped icon, click here .
  8. Immediately, a menu will appear from which you must select "Remove" . You can also choose the “Hide” option so that only you can see these posts.
  9. A pop-up window will appear with a message, confirming if you are sure you want to delete said post; you have to click on "Remove" .
  10. Your post will be immediately deleted from your Facebook profile, there will be no record of this post.

This is the best way to delete your oldest posts, you can even delete emails saved on Facebook that you no longer wish to see.

  • Previous posts:

  1. Log into Facebook.
  2. Go to the top right corner and click on a down arrow icon.
  3. When the menu appears, select "Settings" .
  4. On the left side of the screen there is a side menu, select "Confidentiality" .
  5. A tab called “Settings and Privacy Tool” will open; In the "Your activity" section , click on the option "Limit the audience of previous publications" .
  6. You'll see text that says, "If you choose to limit the audience for your previous posts, the ones you shared in your bio with Friends of Friends of Friends and Audience will only be shared with Friends of Friends. People tagged in these posts and their friends can still see them. "
  7. If you agree to these terms, tap "Limit the audience of previous publications" .
  8. Immediately you will see a window with a message where you need to confirm if you are sure to limit all your posts, if you are sure to click the "Limit audience of previous posts" button.
  9. Now your oldest posts can only be viewed by people you have authorized.

Keep in mind that the only way to undo this action is to change the audience for each post. Even this app allows you to see photos of others where they tagged you , which you can share or not if you want.

It is important that you are clear that with the option "Previous posts" you will only limit the audience, you will not eliminate the posts.

What old messages should be deleted?

  • You must eliminate the posts that do not help your professional profile .
  • Photos or videos with former partners or friends who are no longer so close.
  • Messages that embarrass you because they  show a part of your life that you no longer love.
  • Remove posts (photos, videos, and messages) that don't protect your privacy.
  • Memories or times that were sad in your life.
  • Delete posts that other people tagged you years ago that are no longer important to you today.
  • Posts that reveal personal information .

Many people decide to check their Facebook frequently to clear their friends list, delete embarrassing posts, or renew their information.

If you are one of them, the Facebook app allows you to make all of these changes, so that you have an account without embarrassing posts and unwanted friends. But yes, instead you get great photos, with Facebook you can turn your photos into cartoons , in order to give a fun touch to your memories.

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